Red tea is an excellent beverage for people with a busy lifestyle. It can be enjoyed in unlimited quantities, unlike green or black tea, which contains more tannins. It has a delicious and naturally sweet taste, which is why babies and children like it. This tea, which is excellent hot or iced, offers many health benefits.
This tea is used not only for making beverages, but also for culinary purposes. A ready-made red tea can be added to stews, soups, sauces and marinades, and it is an excellent meat tenderizer.
Benefits of red tea
Japanese scientists have discovered that red tea has very powerful anti-oxidant properties, meaning that it protects the cells from the damage caused by free radicals. It is also beneficial in treatment of many diseases, from hypertension, diabetes, mellitus, atherosclerosis, to various skin, eye, and liver diseases.
Most of beneficial properties of red tea come from flavonoids. Flavonoids are anti-oxidants, and one of them, aspalathin, can only be found in red tea. Flavonoids offer a range of health benefits. They improve the quality of blood and lymph vessels, which is important for circulatory problems, they are anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic, act as diuretics, fight bacteria and viruses, improve liver function and brain function and reduce anxiety.
Recent studies have found that red tea has antioxidant properties by super oxide dismutase mimetic substances, which has effect on dermatological diseases including Behcet’s disease, the so-called sweet disease and photosensitive dermatitis.
Red tea is beneficial for athletes as it replenishes essential minerals like zinc, potassium, sodium and iron. Skin can also benefit from this beverage thanks to alpha-hydrohyl acid and zinc.
People who have frequent gastrointestinal problems like indigestion or constipation should drink red tea regularly as it sooths the stomach and regulates bowel movement.
Red tea benefits for children
Red tea is an ideal beverage for hyperactive children. It tastes great and contains no caffeine, and it is believed it can treat insomnia. It is also a good source of vitamins and minerals that are essential for normal growth and development of children. It can be used as a natural supplement of calcium, magnesium and fluoride, necessary for proper teeth and bone development.
Red tea benefits for infants
Red tea is an amazing ally for desperate mothers of colic babies. This tea has great antispasmodic properties and it is highly recommended for infants who are prone to colic and stomach cramps. Because of its anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic reaction, red tea protects babies from allergies and diaper rash. It also prevents anemia, which is a common problem during pregnancy and lactation.
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