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As people become older, they start to think more about the health status of their bodies, because medical issues tend to happen more frequently and to last longer than before. What are the main problems and what should be done about them?


When the muscles are mentioned, tendons and ligaments are in the same picture. This system, if there are no other problems, start feeling the age burden usually at the age of 55. About that time, muscle mass is starting to reduce and this also goes for connective tissue, which makes the organism more rigid and fragile. Muscle mass should be maintained with the help of strength exercises. There might be no need to use additional weight and calisthenics should be more than enough. Calisthenics are exercising forms that use only the weight of the body and nothing else. So, there are push-ups (variations for both man and woman), aerobics, which extend the muscles and ligaments, which is also great for fat reduction, cardio in form of jogging etc.


This is another part of the body that starts to suffer because of the old age. The main problem here is arthritis and its several variations which usually attack certain parts of the joint, sometimes causing great deal of pain. Some deal with it with the help of medications, and, unfortunately, most of those therapies have to last for a very long time, sometimes as long as person lives. Sadly, there is not much that can be done except for keeping the joints always active, which can be done with some exercises, stretching and extending. Also, joints should not be overused, which happens with some sport activities.

Fat tissue

Excessive fat tissue can cause a lot of medical issues later on in life, which is even more emphasized if obesity is present for a decade or even longer. It has to be said that some people do not suffer much because of obesity, but those are rare cases that only confirm the major rule. And that rule says that increased fat tissue will cause problems for the cardiovascular system, thus causing heart attack. This is something that people definitely do not need in their lives, which means that excessive fat tissue should be eliminated as soon as possible. This can be done with dieting and exercising. Actually, the most important advice here would be to eat healthy and normally - take care of your body today and prevent sickness tomorrow. With some light physical activity, weight will be regulated in time.

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