Every person experiences stress at some point of time. Circumstances that lead up to stress are often the control of any individual - financial worries, trouble at work, relationships with family and friends, and many others. Triggers of stress are dealt with differently by different people, depending on a person\'s general physical and emotional health, nutrition, sleeping patterns, and ability to relax.
In limited amounts, stress can be a healthy motivating factor, driving human beings to develop, and achieve more. But too much stress can bring on fatigue, sleeping problems, tense muscles and headaches. The emotional symptoms of stress are, among others, anxiety, a loss of appetite or overeating, mood swings and feelings of being worthless.
People suffering from excess stress are more likely than others to take up smoking, drink too much alcohol, and eat unhealthy diets. These are lifestyle choices that can lead to physically manifested health conditions.
Stress is of course a subjective experience. What one person thinks of as immense stress might not be a problem for another, and stress management and coping ability are of key importance in this. Stress takes many shapes, and an affect anybody. Overall, people with support networks and a satisfying social life are less likely to suffer from overwhelming stress. People in transitory periods of their lives are more prone to stress and stress is statistically more likely to strike teenagers, working parents, and older people.
Just as stress has many causes, there are also many potential treatments or cures. Medical professionals all agree that exercise and physical activity are enormously beneficial in combating stress. Exercise releases hormones that reduce stress levels and improves overall health and well-being. Sometimes, exercise actually takes away the root causes of stress, like poor sleeping patterns. Meditation and relaxation techniques can have a great impact on stress levels as well.
It is easy to turn to alcohol and drugs when facing unmanageable stress, but in the long run, they are shown to make it worse. For mild stress, even prescription drugs can have a very negative and stress-aggravating effect. Stress medication such as Xanax, Zoloft, or Prozac should only be used when other treatments have not worked, and after careful consultation with medical professionals.
Because untreated stress is extremely damaging, it is essential to relax and take breaks from stessors. Stress can be more easily treated afert learning to recognize individual symptoms of stress and acting on them. Planning ahead of time and separating work and private life can provide the breaks and predictability that many people need to reduce stress.Those who find self-management of stress difficult can benefit from individual or group therapy, or stress-management classes.
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