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A Common, Potentially Dangerous Illness

Insomnia is a phenomenon not to be trifled with. Sleeping is crucial for our body's regeneration and proper functioning. Thus, any lack of it may easily cause our immunity to drop and our health and overall well-being to become jeopardized. Some people have lifestyles which involve going to bed late and waking up early, sacrificing their sleep for more free time. This will eventually prove to be an extremely bad choice, since, once your sleeping patterns are disrupted, it is very hard to get them back to normal. Moreover, by having such a lifestyle, one risks developing numerous conditions which, combined and dependent on one another may easily complete their vicious circle with insomnia.

Possible Causes of Insomnia

This extremely uncomfortable condition may be triggered by numerous different factors including unhealthy lifestyles, underlying illnesses and many others. In the long run, chronic insomnia may lead to complete health deterioration and may be indirectly fatal. Therefore, it is best to be treated as soon as one experiences it.

Most often, insomnia is caused by depression and anxiety. Nevertheless, the reasons behind it may include numerous underlying diseases such as arthritis, kidney and heart conditions, restless leg syndrome, narcolepsy, etc. Alternatively, overindulgence in coffee and alcohol may easily interfere with a person's sleep patterns, causing insomnia to strike. Stress is also a common cause of this phenomenon.

As mentioned above, depression mostly goes hand-in-hand with insomnia and, most often, it is hard to perceive the initial cause between the two. Insomnia may cause personality issues and emotional problems resulting in depression while, at the same time, depression may lead to stress triggering insomnia.

Hormonal imbalances are usually the culprit in cases of insomnia with women. During their pregnancy and menopause, their hormones are most likely to have abnormal levels. This may easily disrupt their sleeping patterns causing inability to fall asleep in the first place.

Parents should be careful not to compare their lifestyles and sleeping patterns with those of their children. Namely, children need more regular sleep in order for their bodies to develop correctly. Therefore, any lack of sleep may lead to deformations, incomplete growth, or some other health problems. Also, children who do not have enough sleep are easily irritated, nervous and have troubles concentrating and thinking straight.

Sometimes, bad sleeping patterns may be inherited genetically. Nevertheless, one is advised to adjust his or her lifestyle so that it ensures proper sleep. That being said, do not drink coffee or alcohol before going to bed, do some exercises every now and then to better your circulation and metabolism. Finally, make sure you get to bed before 1am and ensure a sleep of at least 6 to 8 hours every night.

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