Stress is one of the most severe health threats today. This is an invisible enemy that is found at almost every corner of the modern world. People are feeling stressed at school, at work, at a highway, and even in their homes. Stress is defined as a failure of an organism to respond adequately to mental, emotional or physical demands. Therefore, stress may manifest on many different levels, as a disturbance of cognitive, emotional, physical or behavioral nature. On the other hand, stress is something that is natural, to some extent. It is a fact of nature that often has its importance and meaning in an overall picture of the universe. However, if the stress is chronic and unmanaged, and if a person constantly fails to respond properly to the forces from the outside, the endocrine system response in which occurs a release of corticosteroids may damage both individual's physical and mental health.
Signs and symptoms of stress
If a person is constantly stressed, certain signs and symptoms of this condition may become obvious even to the other individuals from the person’s close environment. The overall negative outlook on all almost all life’s questions is something that is probably the most prominent symptom of stress. Stressed individuals also have very poor judgment, they are constantly worried, and they are prone to extreme mood swings, irritability, and tension. In most cases, they tend to isolate from the others and feel very depressed. Certain physical manifestations of stress are also easy to spot, such as muscular pain, problems with stomach (typically diarrhea or constipation), nausea, pain in the chest, irregular or rapid heartbeat, changes in the dietary habits and appetite, changes in the sleeping pattern, as well as increased consumption of alcohol, nicotine or drugs.Side effects of stress
Unmanaged stress has a lot of various and equally hazardous side-effects. In humans, first symptoms of health problems associated with stress are abdominal pain and back pain. Stressed people often complain about the tension in their back. Moreover, they are prone to headaches, and they may have extreme difficulties in concentration. In addition to these classic symptoms, stress can also cause inflammation of the gingival and bleeding from the gums, which is known as gingivitis. Sudden and unexplainable rash on the skin is also contributed to the excessive stress. The most severe health complications of stress include hypertension, varicose veins, aggression, depression, insomnia and even suicidal thoughts. Unmanaged stress often leads to panic attacks and even to the panic disorder, which demands medical attention and appropriate therapy.
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