What is Male Thrush?
Male thrush is a yeast infection of the penis. This infection can also affect women. Yeast infection can be a result of unprotected sex, but it can also occur when yeasts start to spread because of poor hygiene, impaired immune system, or diabetes. Male thrush results in a painful penis.
Thrush is generally caused by an overgrowth of yeast fungus known as Candida albicans. They naturally grow in warm and moist areas of the body. In men, it is the penis and groin area.

Diagnosis and Symptoms
It is vital to get a male thrush diagnosis before starting the treatment. Thrush can be cured quickly once the treatment begins. Testing for thrush includes taking a sample from the head of the penis or under the foreskin. The test is done for Candida albicans presence.
The main symptom of thrush is balanitis, inflammation of the penis. Other symptoms of male thrush include: Red and sore spots on the foreskin and head of the penis, itching cottage cheese material under the foreskin, skin rash, yeasty smell, burning sensation, pain when passing urine, difficulty pulling back the foreskin, the yeast might infect nails and lead to Athletes foot, bloating, and digestive problems can occur due to intestinal thrush. Oral thrush reflects in a thick white layer over the tongue.
- Subjects were 252 heterosexual and 210 homosexual male patients attending consecutively the STD clinic in Coventry, England.
- A prospective study recording sexual behaviour, relevant history, symptoms, and examination. Specimens for candida culture were collected from the glans penis, perianal area, and oropharynx.
- Among the 462 men studied, penile, perianal, and oropharyngeal colonisation rates were 74 (16%), 70 (15%), and 116 (25%) respectively. On examination, 47 (10%) were found to have balanitis. Of the 74 patients with penile colonisation, 26 (37%) were symptomatic and 20 (27%) had balanitis.
- The 223 heterosexual and the 196 homosexual males who had sexual intercourse within 3 months had comparable colonisation rates of candida on the penis, perianal area, and oropharynx. Balanitis was seen in 31 heterosexuals (14%) and candidal balanitis in 16 (7%); the incidence was significantly less in homosexuals where balanitis was seen in 12 (6%) and candidal balanitis in four (2%).
Thrush complication can occur if Candida enters your blood. This commonly happens because of a weak immune system. Symptoms of Candida infection of the blood involve nausea, high body temperature, headache, and shivering.
Treatment of Male Thrush
Treatment for alleviating symptoms of male thrush consists of anti-fungal medications and creams, which mainly depend on the diagnosis. Thrush is usually treated with topical application of clotrimazole cream. Yogurt is also helpful since it contains friendly bacteria. You can eat and apply yogurt to the infected area to cure or relieve symptoms.
Side effects of anti-fungal therapy involve increased resistance of fungus to further treatment with this type of medicine.
Natural treatment for male thrush includes searching for the cause of yeast infection. Natural treatment will involve the assessment of certain factors such as diet, lifestyle, level of stress, allergies, and medications. This type of treatment relies on herbal supplements.
Thrush can be prevented by proper hygiene, which means washing, drying, and regularly changing underwear. On the other hand, yeast infection can be triggered if you take antibiotics for longer periods or wear tight polyester underwear.
Thrush isn’t a sexually transmitted disease, but it can be spread from partner to partner, thereby you should avoid intercourse until you sort out the problem or use at least a condom.
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