Thrush is an infection caused by accumulating fungus (Candida albicans), which mainly affects the oral cavity. The human body requires a certain number of these microorganisms that should be in balance. However, the accumulation of fungus can cause various problems in human health such as infections in the intestines, vaginal infections in women, skin infections in infants caused by wear diapers, urinary tract and mouth infections. These diseases are usually caused by frequent use of antibiotics, contraceptives, steroids, anti-ulcer drugs, or bad diet, excessive eating sugar, hormonal disorders and decline in immunity. Groups of people who have more possibility to get fungal infections include diabetics, pregnant women, people suffering from cancer, HIV positive patients and patients with weakened immune systems.
How to diagnose thrush?
Thrush in the mouth is usually found by the dentist. During examination, he spots whitish deposits on the tongue, inside the mouth and inside the cheeks. If these deposits are gradually removed, beneath they often find red and sensitive areas that can be a little bloody. After microscopic examination, diagnosis of fungus disease is supposed to be verified. If the thrush extends into the esophagus, it is necessary to do some tests such as throat swab, endoscopy of esophagus, stomach and small intestine and esophagus x-rays. Throat swab is performed by sterile cotton tipped wand which pushes in the throat in order to take the sample. Then, the microorganisms in the sample should be examined under a microscope. Endoscopy involves hooking a webcam through the earlier mentioned organs.
Thrush in women
Vaginal thrush appears in the form of vulva infection and vulvovaginal inflammation. The vulva consists of the clitoris, two pairs of vaginal lips, and the outside of the vagina. The main symptoms of vulva infection are burning, itching, watery or thick cheesy discharge which can be yellow or whitish, sense of dryness, pain and unpleasant feeling during urination or sexual intercourse.Vulvovaginal inflammation is followed with vaginal redness, swelling or damage of the vaginal skin. Also, developing sores in the surrounding area of the vagina implies on being something other than a yeast infection or genital herpes.Vaginal thrush divides on complicated and uncomplicated thrush. Uncomplicated thrush is an acute disease which attacks the vaginal area from one to four times per year. It is caused by Candida albicans and its symptoms are not so severe. Complicated thrush is a serious chronic illness which assumes severe consequences especially in pregnancy, patients with a hard form of diabetes and women with weakened immunity. It is caused by other types of fungus.
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