Losing someone that is special is a very painful experience, especially if that person was a very close family member. There are all kinds of emotions that occur after a loss such as this, and they all depend from one person to another.
Some may experience shock, anger and guilt, and in many cases, sadness and pain from such an event. Even though these feelings are frightening, it is important to remember that they are normal reactions to loss.
In order to get over the grieving process, it is essential to accept these emotions and to give one\'s self enough time to mourn and heal.
Even though there is no real way that everyone should grieve, it is good to know that there are healthy ways to get over the pain.
It is important to remember that the process cannot be rushed, and it should be allowed to unfold naturally.
There are essentially five steps to the grieving process, though they occur differently in all people. They are denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.
Contrary to popular belief, it is not necessary to go through all the stages before healing, and experiencing these stages will not happen in an orderly fashion, nor should a person be asking themselves what stage they are going through currently.
After experiencing a loss, there will first be guilt, which is the most universal symptom. The person may then feel guilt for things that were not said or done while the loved one was alive.
Even though such things should not be blamed on anyone usually, people who are grieving will sometimes want to project their anger onto someone, whether it is the doctors, God, or even the loved one themselves who allowed the death to occur.
Fear, anxiety, helplessness and insecurity can also occur.
Sometimes grief can have physical manifestations as well, including fatigue, nausea, lowered immunity, weight loss, weight gain, aches and pains or insomnia.
If a person is having significant trouble dealing with their pain alone, it is a good idea to go see a therapist or a grief counselor. There are mental professionals with a lot of experience in tending to people who are experiencing these feelings.
Expressing one’s feelings to someone who is knowledgeable about the situation and the way the person is feeling can often be the best solution for overcoming the process.
It is also the most healthy way to relieve the grief, since many who have problems can turn to drug abuse or unhealthy lifestyle choices to help them cope with the pain.
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