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Balanitis is inflammation of the sensitive end of the penis called the glans penis. The Glans penis of men is structurally correspondent to the clitoral glans of women. It is caused by substances in the environment, by a bacterial or viral infection, or by physical trauma, and is more common among boys under four years of age and among uncircumcised adult men who need to retract the foreskin on the head of the penis.

However, some researchers claim that the excessive hygiene of genitals may also cause balanitis. Another cause of balanitis is phimosis, or too tight foreskin, as well as diabetes type 1. Both glans and foreskin may become inflamed, and that situation is called balanoposthitis.

Balanitis can occur at any age, even among boys in diapers, but most often it develops among boys under four years of age, and adults who are not circumcised.

Balanitis Symptoms

Symptoms of balanitis include redness of the glans, inflammation of the glans, soreness to touch, irritation, foul-smelling discharge, rash on the head of the penis followed by itchiness, phimosis, and excruciating pain while urinating.

Pain, itchiness, and discharge from the penis usually occur a couple of days after a man has had sexual intercourse. Some of these symptoms are similar to the symptoms of sexually transmitted infections, so it is necessary to see a doctor who can make a diagnosis.

Diagnosing Balanitis

If the doctor may at first suggest the patient exclude some of the irritants from daily use and wash his genitals more often if he suspects the inflammation is an allergic reaction. He may also prescribe a steroid cream to treat the swelling. If, after the patient did this, the doctor sees no improvement, he will send the patient to see a dermatologist.

The dermatologist may determine that the cause of balanitis is candida, and he will thus prescribe an anti-fungal cream. In this case, the sexual partner of the diseased man should be treated as well. If they continue having sexual intercourse, it is advised they use a condom. If, however, the balanitis has its origin in a bacterial infection, the doctor will prescribe antibiotics to treat it.

Balanitis Complications

Recurrent inflammations of the glans penis can lead to serious complications. One of them is balanitis xerotica obliterans, inflammation of the glans penis and foreskin, phimosis, paraphimosis – the inability of the foreskin to return to its original position, and cancer. Thus, it is advisable to see the doctor if any of the above-mentioned symptoms occurs.

Balanitis is an inflammation of the glans penis. This common condition can occur in both circumcised and uncircumcised men, but the incidence is higher in the latter. Balanitis occurs in approximately 11% of adult men seeking treatment at urologic clinics and 3% of boys. From an international perspective, it is reported to occur in approximately 3% of uncircumcised men worldwide. The condition often involves the prepuce or foreskin; balanitis involving the prepuce is referred to as balanoposthitis.
  • Balanitis results from the overgrowth of organisms that are normally present on the glans penis. The genital area and prepuce provide an optimal medium for the overgrowth of these organisms.
  • The cause of balanitis can be infective, irritant, traumatic, premalignant, malignant, or idiopathic conditions. Common infective causes are Candida, Trichomonas, Mycoplasma, Chlamydia, Treponema pallidum, group A and B streptococci, human papillomavirus, and other anaerobic bacteria. Of these, the most common infective agent is Candida.
  • Men with balanitis typically have itching, tenderness of the glans penis, problems retracting the prepuce, and sometimes penile discharge. A red, inflamed rash on the glans penis or penile shaft may be present. Other complaints result from complications associated with balanitis. Some of these are phimosis, meatal stenosis, urethral strictures, and urinary retention.
  • A good health history and review of presenting symptoms facilitates the diagnosis of balanitis. Other conditions to consider in the differential diagnosis are leukoplakia, Reiter syndrome, Zoon balanitis, contact dermatitis, and balanitis xerotica obliterans. The physical examination consists of an inspection for erythema and edema of the glans penis or foreskin, penile discharge, the presence of ulcerations or plaques, phimosis, meatal stenosis, bladder distention, or ballooning of the foreskin.
✓ Fact confirmed: Balanitis Demetrius J. Porche; May 2007

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