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Dark circles under the eyes can make us look tired, exhausted or even sick. They can affect both genders of any age and can be caused by few different factors such as hyperpigmentation, genes, lack of sleep and so on. They are usually described as a darker skin under the eyes, which can be puffy, and that way, makes skin surface to look a bit swollen. Therefore, it represents very annoying aesthetic problem. There are some ways to reduce its intensity, but it is considered that surgery is the most effective solution.

Triggers and treatments

There is a list of reasons why one may experience dark circles under the eyes: hyperpigmentation, genes, lack of sleep, iron and vitamin deficiency, illness, aging and other more. Depending on the cause and skin type doctor decides which kind of treatment will provide the best results. Sometimes this problem can be fixed by enriching the diet with vitamins and minerals, or providing a good quality sleep, and sometimes the surgery is the only solution. 


In order to perform surgical procedure, patient must be in good health, both mentally and physically, and without presence of any active disease. Also, expectations of the patient must be realistic, in order to avoid disappointment after the procedure, which can be stressful. Therefore, the first step, before patient is to undergo surgical procedure, is consultation with dermatologist and surgeon. That is the opportunity to discuss with them about results you wish to achieve and about your health condition, allergies and life habits (such as smoking, or usage of any medicaments).

These informations will help in making a decision over which kind of anesthesia will be used (general or local or no anesthesia at all). There is also preoperative appointment with the surgeon, which is based on conversation which will introduce you with surgical and treatment details, as well as pre-operative instructions and recovery therapy. 

Pre-operative instructions include consummation of some medications, prescribed by doctor, which will help you maintain perfect health condition before and during the operation and preliminary blood test performed. The drugs which are usually prescribed are, antibiotics, blood pressure medicines, pain relievers and anti-inflammatory drugs.

As far as the surgery is concerned, there are few different types of procedures which can be performed: laser treatment, fat grafting, intensive pulsed light treatment and other more. The price for these treatments varies with the used technique, region and surgeon. Usually this procedure is from 1.500 to 4.000 dollars. Duration of the recovery process, also, varies with type of the procedure but, usually, takes one month. In first few weeks after the operation, redness, swelling and peeling of the skin can be present.

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