Fibroids are tumors that develop in the womb, and they are located on the wall of the uterus. The number of fibroids can vary, and the most common symptoms of fibroids are heavy periods, pain in the pelvis and frequent urination. About 25% of women suffer from this condition. The enlargement of fibroids can lead to the surgery called hysterectomy, which is performed in order to remove the uterus from the woman’s body. There are other treatments for this condition which include the usage of medications without any surgery procedures.
Most of the women that have fibroids don’t experience any symptoms. The fibroids are usually discovered during regular visit to gynecologist. When symptoms do occur, they involve heavy periods, frequent urge to urinate and sometimes lack of ability to urinate, constipation, pressure and pain in the pelvis, weight gaining especially in the stomach and waist area and difficulty in staying pregnant.
If you decide for surgical treatment, you have to be aware that there are positive sides of this kind of treatment, but there are also risks. Doctor will be able to explain everything about both of this sides regarding surgery. Two types of surgery that can be done here, myomectomy and hysterectomy. When myomectomy is performed, the surgeon moves out only the tumor and it can be done in different ways, through hysteroscopy, laparoscopy or an open surgery. The main benefit of myomectomy is that a woman can stay pregnant after the procedure because the womb is not violated. Also, with this procedure, there are fewer chances that some other organs in the body will be injured.
Hysterectomy is performed in order to remove the whole womb and fibroids that are inside. This procedure can be done through vagina or stomach. While doing hysterectomy the amount of blood that is lost is smaller than while doing myomectomy. There is a completely new procedure called uterine artery remobilization, where the artery that supplies the fibroid with the blood is clotted. Therefore the blood can’t flow in to the fibroid and due to that fibroid decreases.
What will be the outcome of any of these procedures depends on the procedure that is chosen and the stage of fibroids. It can be more difficult for woman to stay pregnant if she has fibroids, especially if fibroids are large and on a specific place in the womb. There are some cases where fibroids can become cancerous, but that happens rarely.
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