Uterine Fibroids
Uterine fibroids are being tumors, usually located in the walls of the uterus. In most cases, women having problems with uterine fibroids are experiencing more or less unpleasant symptoms, but this condition might go unnoticed and without the any apparent symptoms. Most commonly, women complain about heavy periods and bloated feeling. This is not a serious condition and it doesn’t present a life threat, but sometimes it can cause pain. Because of that, many women decide to treat these benign tumors.
Other symptoms of uterine fibroids include spotting between two periods, pain during the intercourse, back pain, urinary problems, anemia and lumps in the abdomen. In some rare cases uterine fibroids are known to affect the potential pregnancy.
Scientists haven’t been able to identify the exact cause of fibroid in the uterus. Most doctors agree that the theory about hormonal imbalance is most likely to be true. Some others claim that the reason for uterine fibroids is excessive estrogen development.
Natural Treatment for Uterine Fibroids
Fibroids are often treated with NSAIDs (non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) and oral contraceptives, to decrease the bleeding and the pain. There are also some hormone devices and substitutes to control fibroid problems, but all these treatments can cause side effects. When it comes to the United Stated, fibroids are frequently the reason for hysterectomy. In order to avoid side effects and surgery, many women turn to natural fibroid therapy. These treatments require some time until they completely cure the signs and symptoms of uterus fibroids, so be patient.
The naturopaths often recommend blackstrap molasses to women suffering from fibroids in the uterus. It is advised to take one to two tablespoons of the molasses every day. You can use it with or without water, and some prefer taking it in a glass of milk. Blackstrap molasses should reduce the size of the fibroids and also affect positively the potential anemia.
Soy beans are also recommended for this condition. Use fermented soy beans once a day, and after some time you should experience decrease of the fibroid symptoms. You can use fermented soy beans as they are or take them in a pill, they will all have the same beneficial effect.
Some suggest the food which would decrease the production of estrogen, which include: Romaine lettuce, artichokes and grapefruits.
Use only water that has no pollutants (filtered water), since environmental pollutants can also negatively affect the fragile hormonal balance in the body.
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