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Don't Make Things Worse

Teenagers, due to the hormonal changesaffecting their body, are quite prone to having acne and skinproblems during this period of their life. However, it is veryimportant not to touch, squeeze or irritate your acne in any possibleway, since you can only make things worse this way.

Also, you should not stress over youracne. Surely, it must look terrible to you and you may perceive thisproblem as a persistent and never-ending one. Yet, it will all passin time. Until then, relax, do not make things worse by stress oraggressive treatment of your acne, and choose some of many excellenttreatments which can reduce the amount of pimples you have, keep yourskin hydrated, disinfected and healthy, making you safe fromexcessive worries and skin problems in general.

Why Do I Have Acne?

As mentioned above, during your teenagedays, your organism produces more skin oil due to hormonal activity.This oil, mixed with dead skin, clogs your pores and causes a minorbacterial infection, leading to the development of pimples. You mayhave blackheads, which take place once the clogged area is closer tothe outside of your skin, or whiteheads, when the infection is deeperin your skin. The worst case scenario involves having infected hairfollicles which can then create cysts being painful and harder totreat. Nevertheless, there is a proper treatment for each type ofthese skin problems.

How Can I Treat My Acne?

The first thing you need to do is to becareful while choosing a treatment. Depending on your skin type, somemedications may work while some others may make things worse.Therefore, it is best to pay a dermatologist a visit before takingany serious action. When you find the right cure, stick to it, sinceif it worked at the beginning, it will work until the end of youracne problems. Keep your skin clean and well hydrated. For thesepurposes, you can use cleansers, acne creams, masks, lotions and manyother products. Most of these are available over-the-counter.

Finally, the most important rule is tokeep your hands off your pimples. Leave them alone, do not squeeze,scratch or touch them except during the treatment. They will go awayeventually, so do not stress. Remember that there are many otherpeople out there having the same problem. Also, there are many whohad acne and now have beautiful faces. Stay motivated and persistent,this too shall pass.

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