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What is a Breath Alcohol Test?

Basically, as its name may suggest, a breath alcohol test is a device used in order to measure the alcohol concentration in one's organism. Its purpose is establishing whether a person has been drinking excessively before driving a vehicle or committing a crime. Therefore, this device is mostly used by thepolice.

It functions on a quite simple basis. The tested subject is to breathe out air while holding the device. The exhaled air needs to be directed to the device which then calculates the alcohol concentration. Even though these devices are not perfectly precise, their practical and easy use makes them the most suitable for these purposes.

Once we drink an alcoholic beverage, the alcohol reaches our bloodstream in a matter of minutes. Thus, these concentrations are easily registered through these tests. If we happen to have eaten something after drinking, it will take the alcohol up to 60 minutes to reach our bloodstream, through the liver. Nevertheless, it will eventually be noticeable. Therefore, these devices, which can be purchased in many pharmacies, can help you measure your blood levels, knowing when it is not safe to participate in the traffic or sit in a vehicle for any other purposes.

More about the Breath Alcohol Test

There are several different types of alcohol tests. One of the cheapest variants involves a glass tube and/or a balloon. Namely, you are to exhale into the tube. Then, if there is alcohol in your blood and breath, the crystals in the tube will change color.

On the other hand, electronic measuring devices of this type have digital displays which present adequate readings after breathing out into the device.

These devices are used in many facilities like restaurants, hospitals and others, due to their capability of telling whether a person has had too much alcoholic beverages or not. Anything below 0.05 is considered safe. However, even minimal amounts of alcohol in your blood can be life-threatening if you are driving afterwards.

Alcohol consumption has taken many lives through traffic accidents. In fact, more than 50% of deaths on the road take place due to driving while intoxicated. Alcohol affects judgment and physical, as well as muscular coordination. Thus, whenever you have had a glass of wine, let alone several of these or many other types of alcoholic beverages, make sure you walk home or take a cab.

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