On theother hand, stinging nettle has been used for medicinal purposes for a verylong time and it is rich with many important nutritious elements, such asvitamins, minerals and iron. And while the health benefits of stinging nettleare numerous, there are some side effects to it as well.
The use ofstinging nettle products can lead to dehydration
The form inwhich most people include stinging nettle into their diet is tea. The tea fromthe stinging nettle is known for its diuretic ability, which means that it improvesthe urine formation by the kidneys. More urination means getting rid of all thetoxic waste that one might have accumulated through urine, as well as of allthe unnecessary water. And while this is a very useful and healthy property ofthe tea, should one exaggerate with its use, they could end up releasing toomuch water from the body and becoming dehydrated. Therefore, paying attentionto moderation is highly advisable in order to avoid such complications.
Stingingnettle can cause digestive issues
The factthat stinging nettle can result in digestive problems does not mean that thisplant is hard to digest. The digestion part of the nettle is not complicatedand it doesn’t issue any problems. However, sometimes the nettle may cause someirritation in the stomach and the intestines that can result in symptoms ofvomiting, diarrhea and nausea.
Thenegative effect of stinging nettle on the blood
One of theknown benefits of stinging nettle is that it prevents blood clotting. However,in some cases, this benefit can backfire. What that means is that while, it hasthe ability to prevent blood clotting, stinging nettle can sometimes go so faras to make the blood thinner. This makes the blood susceptible to a number ofhealth problems.
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