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Information on Goat Weed

Goat weed is an herbaceous flowering plant botanically referred to as epimedium. It can be found in Asia and Europe but it originates from China. There is a legend which claims that goat weed was discovered by a goat herder who noticed that his goats started acting in an unusual way after consuming this weed. The sexual activity of the goats got increased significantly and that is how the plant got its name. The original Chinese name is yin yang huo.

It has been used in the traditional Chinese medicine for numerous centuries, because it is very efficient in enhancing the sexual potency in both female and male individuals. Goat weed is one of the most efficient herbal aphrodisiacs because it contains flavonoids, polysaccharides, phytoestrogens, sequiterpenes, lignans and sterols which enhance the levels of energy in a very significant way. Goat weed is also beneficial because it inhibits the production of acetylcholinesterase.

This enzyme degrades the functions of certain neurotransmitters in the human body and that is what makes it harmful in certain ways. Goat weed stimulates the sexual urges by curbing the catalytic action of acetylcholinesterase and enhancing the cholinergic neurotransmitters in the human body. It is also very good at increasing the levels of testosterone and sperm production.

Goat Weed Benefits

Goat weed can also be used for the prevention and treatment of arthritis and numerous other ailments and disorders affiliated with liver and kidneys. Goat weed also has certain anti inflammatory properties, which means that it is very efficient in boosting the immune system.

It can be used for the prevention and treatment of numerous other medical conditions such as hay fever, menopause problems, atherosclerosis, night sweats, bronchitis, irritability, hepatitis, mood swings, heart diseases, libido problems, high blood pressure, low sperm production, memory loss, involuntary ejaculation, erectile dysfunction and low sex drive.

Goat Weed Side Effects

Goat weed can sometimes trigger certain side effects. In most cases they are associated with over-consumption of goat weed. Minor side effects include dry mouth, dizziness and thirst.

Some cases may also include gastrointestinal bleeding and nose bleeds. There are also certain other side effects which may be associated with the consumption of goat weed and they may contain hemorrhagic strokes, kidney toxicity, tachycardia, jerky movements, numerous different types of allergic reactions, loss of muscle control, rashes, irregular heart rhythm, heavy breathing, insomnia, muscle spasms, throat swelling, tongue swelling and lip swelling.

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