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The debate

Theissue in question is the one that has certainly been keeping quite a lot ofpeople busy for quite some time now. And the questions just keep on pilling up,but the answers seem to lack. In continuation of this article, the truths aboutboth milk varieties shall be revealed so as to make the entire task of comingto those proper conclusion as simple as possible, and with little gray-celleffort.

Stepby step

Fats (including saturated fats andfatty acids) – as probably already familiar to many, saturated fats certainlyrepresent one of the leading culprits for the development of a heart disease,as well as artery jam. In the case of cow milk, it should be pointed out that ithas as much as 9 time the amount of the above mentioned fat in comparison tothe soy milk. On the other hand, soy milk consumption will endow one with 10times the amount of fatty acids our bodies seek, when compared to cow milk. Thefatty acids are also vital, for they enable our body to transport and absorbwell specific vitamins.Vitamin A issue – cow milk consumptionis going to help a person acquire vitamin A, but not in a natural manner, unfortunately. As a matter of fact, this vitamin is made part of cow milk priorto it being sent out to the supermarket. This implies one thing - if this is possible for cow milk, than it is also probably thelikeliest scenario for soy milk as well.Cholesterol – the moment soy milk isproduced, it is completely cholesterol free and this puts it in advantagestraight away. On the other hand, cow milk is known to contain 34mg ofcholesterol in one serving. Cholesterol as such has the tendency to jam thearteries, which induces heart attacks, stroke and various other undesiredillnesses. However, upon analyzing it once again, the amount of cholesterol incow milk is actually not that significant in comparison to fastfood, for example. Yet another advantage of the soy milk is the fact that it has the abilityto decrease the levels of that good for nothing LDL cholesterol.Riboflavin – in case of soy milk, itneeds to be emphasized that it has 60% less than cow milk,and this is not a lack that is to be taken all too lightly. On the other hand, riboflavin can be absorbed from numerousother food sources.Cancer – consumption of two servingsof soy milk on a daily basis decreases the risk of developing prostate cancerby staggering 70%. Such potentials have not been determined in the case of cowmilk.Proteins – both milk varietiesrepresent superb ways to incorporate proper amounts of proteins into your diet.

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