Informationon Soy Milk Allergy
Soy milk isa beverage produced using soaked soybeans ground together with water. Its mainfeature is that it contains almost the same amount of proteins as the cow milk.It may be even healthier because it contains very low amounts of saturated fatsand it does not contain any cholesterol at all. There are many people whosuffer from lactose intolerance so they opt for soy milk as a safe substitutefor cow milk. Allergy to all different kinds of soy products is one of the mostcommon food allergies in the world. The same can be said for the soy milkallergy. Unfortunately enough, it can be sometimes affiliated with anaphylaxiswhich is a potentially life threatening medical condition.
Causes andSymptoms
Any type ofallergic reaction gets triggered because of hyperactivity of the immune system.The immune system gets stimulated by a foreign substance or an allergen and ittriggers the hypersensitive immune reaction in order to defend the body. Theallergen in the cases of soy milk allergy is a protein which triggers theproduction of certain antibodies sent out to destroy and neutralize it. Theantibodies are histamines and several other different chemical substances. Soymilk allergy may also be a hereditary medical condition. Certain mild symptoms of soymilk allergy may or may not include runny nose, breathing difficulty, itchyeyes and wheezing, sudden outbreak of acne, swollen lips, hives, swollen mouth,nasal congestion, swollen face and angioedema, tingling in the throat, diarrhea,tingling in the mouth, atrophic dermatitis and abdominal pain. Sometimes thesoy milk allergy may be affiliated with certain severe symptoms such asconstriction of the airways, loss of consciousness, swollen throat and lightheadedness, a significant drop in the blood pressure, dizziness and rapidheart rate. These symptoms may lead to anaphylaxis which may be fatal in somecases. Soy milk allergy in infants may also be associated with irritability andcolic.
Soy MilkAllergy Treatment
In order tobe properly diagnosed with soy milk allergy one must undergo a blood test and askin test. To prevent the allergy from occurring, it is recommended to avoidthe soy milk in any form. The symptoms of the actual allergy can be alleviatedby using antihistamine medications. Instances of soy milk allergic reactionswhich involve severe symptoms may require an administration of a medicamentknown as epinephrine. Some persons must always carry an epinephrine injectionwith them, just in case.
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