Moles are growths on the skin that usually develop in an early age. They are benign in nature but in some cases may become cancerous over time. Moles that appear in adulthood are particularly at risk of becoming cancerous because it is unusual to acquire moles in adult age. Atypical moles may indicate development of melanoma, which is a deadly skin cancer. Therefore, one must regularly perform self-check up of his or her moles to monitor for symptoms of a mole cancer on time.
Cancerous Moles DescriptionMoles are commonly pink, brown, tan or skin colored. Moles have smooth surface. They appear as flat or raised although some moles can be flat at the beginning and become raised later on. Healthy moles are usually round or oval. However, cancerous moles are notably different from normal moles. Moles that are different in shape, size and color in comparison to normal moles are most frequently cancerous. Sometimes, moles can grow when skin is exposed to sun. Such moles are often different from each other. They are usually benign in the beginning but become cancerous later on. Those are cancerous moles freckles that require prompt treatment in order to avoid hazardous consequences.
Symptoms of Cancerous MolesThere are several symptoms of cancerous moles that everyone must be aware of to detect this life-threatening disease in time. It is advised to exam moles once in every month. The following are some of the common cancerous moles symptoms that can be easily noticed.
In cancerous moles, one part is usually flat or raised. Also, they usually rapidly change in size. Itching around a mole and oozing or bleeding from its surface may also indicate cancerous changes in the mole.
Change in Diameter
Any mole that increases or decreases in size may indicate development of the cancer. Moles with diameter larger then 6mm are common sign of skin cancer.
Change in Color
Cancerous moles are usually mixture of colors. They may be of different colors on a single lesion or may have different shades of the same color. Those are usually shades of brown, tan, black, blue or red. If you notice such change, seek immediate medical help.
Change in Borders
Cancerous moles are commonly of irregular borders. Edges of moles that are blurred usually indicate melanoma.
Another common and easily recognized sign of cancerous moles is asymmetry. Moles that have one side different in shape comparing to the other side are typically cancerous.
Treatment for Cancerous MolesIn order to determine whether a mole is cancerous or not, a doctor must order a biopsy of the mole and surrounding tissue. If a biopsy shows malignancy, the mole must be removed. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy are usually included too. Melanoma is an aggressive type of skin cancer that rapidly spreads. The treatment can be successful only if melanoma is diagnosed early.
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