Facts about Skin Cancer
Skin cancer, like any other form ofthis disease, is quite dangerous and potentially deadly. Since ourskin is our largest organ, we may develop malignant cell growths ofthis type in many places, some of which do not even have to beexposed to sun or radiation, even thought these two are the maincauses of skin cancer.
There are three different types of skincancer. Two benign and treatable ones are basal cell and squamouscell carcinoma. The third, more complex and complicated type, beingthe malign type of this cancer is melanoma. The latter is quitedangerous since it is capable of spreading onto the other organs in ourbody.
Nevertheless, the best cure againstcancer is prevention. Thus, you have to stay away from excessive sunexposure and any possible radiation spots. Still, this may not beenough. So, you need to be on the lookout for possible signs of skincancer, knowing how to notice this on time and react by seeking proper medical assistance.
Visible Traits of Skin Cancer
Any abnormality on the surface of theskin, along with any type of discoloration, can all possibly becancers, benign or malign. Therefore, it is important to payattention to the changes on your skin and visit your dermatologist ifyou happen to notice some changes, growths or any other anomalies.
Usually, these changes are likely toaffect visible and always exposed parts of your body. Pay attentionto your face, neck, scalp, lips, ears, face, arms, legs and handspredominantly.
A basal cell carcinoma usually lookslike a waxy bump on the face, ears or neck. Also, it may be found onthe back, where it takes the shape of a scar or a lesion, being flat.On the other hand, squamous cell carcinoma spreads fast, faster thanthe previously mentioned type. It is reddish and also affects some ofthe most exposed parts of your body. Scaly, crusty lesions on yourface, ears, neck and arms can also be a suspect.
Finally, a melanoma is a mole whichturns into a malignant form and becomes potentially life-threatening.Any discoloration or change in shape affecting your moles may be agood reason to react and have the mole examined. Spots, shiny bumpsor any other changes may be a sign. Moreover, melanomas may appear onyour toes, soles, fingers, palms, sex organs, anus or nose in formof dark lesions.
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