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Introduction to Facial Moles

Moles represent clusters of pigmented cells that form different sized spots or lumps on the body. They are usually brown in color although there are blue moles and moles of several more colors. Moles may grow on any part of the skin and if there is a lot of them or some are of a larger size they can significantly affect one's appearance. The problem may particularly affect people who have many facial moles or an isolated but large facial mole.What Happens Prior to Facial Mole Removal?

The mole must be examined by a well-experienced dermatologist who will determine whether the particular mole is cancerous or benign and if it can be removed and how. In some people moles are located in the very inappropriate place (for example moles on men's chin). They can be accidentally cut and they definitely require removal. On the other hand, some people opt for mole removal only out of aesthetic reasons.

Facial Mole Removal - the Very Procedure

Facial mole removal is performed under local anesthesia. There are several techniques for facial mole removal and they include excision, shaving, laser removal and electrocautery.

Excision is one of the common methods of facial mole removal. It is also one of the oldest ones. The very procedure includes cutting the tissue around the mole with a scalpel. The tissues are cut deep enough in order for deeper mole cells to be removed so that the entire mole can be removed completely. The edges of the hole that remains after the excision are stitched up. This is one of the most effective ways of the entire mole removal.

In case a mole is superficial and does not affect deeper layers of the skin it can be easily removed by shaving. This method is performed with a sharp blade and after shaving the mole the treated skin becomes even with the surrounding skin. There are no stitches. Since there is a chance that some of the mole cells remain there is a probability that the mole will eventually resurface.

Laser removal is one of the modern surgical approaches. The laser provides with highly concentrated energy capable of vaporizing the mole tissue. This technique is effective only in case of flat and superficial moles. The particular mole may need to be treated with the laser several times until it is completely removed. This technique practically does not leave scars and is therefore preferred by many patients and doctors.

And finally, electrocautery is a method in which a mole is removed with a specialized piece of equipment that burns the superficial layers of the skin. Since electrocauter cannot reach deeper into the tissue it can only remove superficial moles and raised moles.

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