The human body is of a very complex structure, and made of many organs and systems. The major organ is the skin. It covers the whole human body and protects the internal organs and systems. The skin is susceptible to many disorders and diseases, and many skin conditions may occur due to the skin’s exposure to the environmental, as well as internal factors.
Every human being has moles on the skin. The moles are black or brown in color, and can appear alone or in group. In the majority of cases, moles are formed in childhood. Melanocyte is a medical term for the skin cell. When the skin cells do not spread evenly as they should but grow together, then the moles are formed.
Types of Moles
Moles can be of different types and some can even be cancerous. Therefore, it is important to know what type of moles there are on your body. In most cases, the moles are dark or brown in color. However, red, blue, pink and white moles can also appear depending on the type.
Atypical Naevi are moles that are not dangerous and cancerous. They usually appear in an irregular shape and in big size. In the majority of cases, Atypical Naevi is thought to be the symptom of melanoma.A type of moles that usually appears in teenage years and gradually disappears on their own is called Halo Naevi. These moles can be recognized by the white colored circular ring that appears around their outer sides. Sometimes, the color of these moles tends to change and the doctor should be consulted.When the moles are present at birth, they are called congenital moles. They are big in size and brown or black in color. In most cases, they are not dangerous at all.Seborrheic Keratosis is a type of moles that frequently occurs in elderly people. Seborrheic Keratosis is fleshy and dark or brown moles in oval or round shape.When the red or black colored moles appear after an injury as a consequence of overgrown capillaries, then they are called Pyogenic Granulomas. These moles either disappear over time, or they are removed by a surgery.Fleshy moles, round in shape and filled with a fluid are called Kerathocanthomas.Keloids represent large and hard growths on the skin, while dermoid cysts represents a type of tumor that may contain pieces of bone, cartilage, hair or glands in them. These two types of moles are very rare.
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