Zegerid is a medication which is used in treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease, stomach ulcers and other disorders causes by stomach acid. Zegerid is not recommended for patients with decreased levels of potassium or calcium in the blood, and with bone problems. Your doctor must be informed if you are pregnant or if you are breastfeeding because Zegerid may cause harm to the baby. You should also notify your doctor if you are taking some other medications or supplements.Side Effects
The most common side effects of Zegerid are headache and diarrhea. These side effects are not considered to be dangerous if they are mild and go away on their own after your body adjusts to the medication. However, if they are persistent and severe, you must seek immediate medical care. Other less dangerous side effects may include mild pain or discomfort in the stomach, constipation, mild fever, and sores in the mouth.Serious side effects of Zegerid are pain in the chest, pain in the back, irregular pulse, seizures, fatigue, vision impairment, swelling of the hands or feet, and jaundice. You may also experience side effects which are similar to symptoms of flu, such as fever, chills, weakness and sore throat. Some of the side effects may also include severe skin disorders, such as peeling and blistering of the skin, and bruising and bleeding. Other side effects are unexplained weight gain, changes in the color of urine, pain in the joints or muscles, sleeping disorders and changes in mood.
Allergic Reaction and Overdose
Allergic reaction to Zegerid may include breathing difficulties, swelling of the mouth or lips, tightness in the chest and irritation of the skin or rash. If you took too much Zegerid, you may experience overdose reactions. Such reactions include fast pulse, nausea, vomiting, excessive perspiration, dryness of the mouth, vision impairment, confusion and faintness. If you notice any of these symptoms, contact your doctor as soon as possible, so the treatment could be adjusted.Body System
According to the body systems which are affected by Zegerid, side effects can be classified as cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, hepatic, metabolic, musculoskeletal, psychiatric, respiratory, dermatologic and ocular side effects. Cardiovascular side effects involve problems with the heart and blood pressure. Gastrointestinal side effects refer to problems such as constipation, diarrhea and dryness of the mouth. Hepatic side effects indicate liver problems. Metabolic side effects involve weight changes. Musculoskeletal side effects refer to pain in the joints and muscles. Psychiatric side effects involve mood changes and sleeping disorders. Respiratory side effects involve breathing difficulties and pain in the throat. Dermatologic side effects refer to various skin disorders and ocular side effects include problems with vision.
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