Amitriptyline is a medication which is used in treatment of depression. It stimulates unbalanced brain chemicals. Amitriptyline is not recommended for people who have any heart problems or had a stroke or seizures. It is also not used in people with manic-depression disorder, schizoprenia, problems with thyroid gland diabetes, glaucoma or urination disorders. Women who are planning pregnancy are pregnant or breastfeed should notify the doctor about it because Amitriptyline can be damaging to the baby. You should follow the exact instructions from your doctor regarding the treatment with Amitriptyline.
Amitriptyline should not be taken with alcohol because it may cause severe side effects. You should avoid consuming grapefruit in any form. Avoid exposure to the sun or sources of heat. Since some of the side may cause faintness or coordination problems you should not drive or operate hazardous equipment.
Every medication has certain side effects. Some of the side effects of Amitriptyline which are not considered to be dangerous are sickness, constipation, diarrhea, vomiting, appetite loss, unpleasant taste in the mouth, dry mouth, dizziness, fatigue, problems with concentration, sleeping disorders, loss of sexual urge, swelling of the breasts, headache, impaired vision and ringing sound in the ears. You should inform your doctor about any unusual changes especially if you experience extreme behavior changes such as aggressiveness, anxiety, restlessness, agitation or panic attacks. In some cases your condition may get even worse and you may have suicidal tendencies. Some of the severe side effects of Amitriptyline include irregular heartbeat, pain in the chest, shoulder or arm, numbness, sickness, excessive perspiration, severe headache, impaired vision, problems with speech, hallucinations, faintness, tremor, ticks, weakness of the muscles, skin disorders, bleedings, bruising and problems while passing urine.
If you have an allergic reaction to Amitriptyline, you may develop rash on the skin and itchiness, breathing difficulties, tension in the chest, and swelling of the tongue, lips or face. The most common side effects of Amitriptyline includes vision impairment, diarrhea, constipation, drowsiness, sickness, appetite loss, decreased sexual urge, dry mouth, headache and sleeping disorders. Less common side effects includes pain in the chest, irregular pulse, hallucinations, fever, sore throat, mood and behavior changes, weakness, tremors, speech impairment, seizures, ticks and jaundice.
According to the parts of the body which may be affected by Amitriptyline, side effects can be classified as side effects which involve nervous system, cardiovascular side effects psychiatric, gastrointestinal, genitourinary, hematologic, immunologic, hepatic, dermatologic and endocrine side effects.
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