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Low levels of potassium in blood needs to be prevented and the way to do it is to change diet, because some diets are having not enough potassium. Not enough potassium may be due to a diarrhea (a really strong one or prolonged one). Also diuretics may cause low number of potassium in the body. The symptoms that can identify insufficient potassium is tiredness feels reflex weakness or other kind of weakness.

In such condition, there might be metabolic side effects of Rum-K Liquid even if the condition (low potassium) can be treated with may Rum-K Liquid: Rum-K Liquid electrolyte is responsible for function of kidneys balance of acid-base, the contraction of muscles, nerve condition and normal cell functioning.

Risk of Hyperkalemia

Preexisting inadequate of renal gives a quite of hyperkalemia risk. Weak muscle, diaphragm paralysis, cardiac arrhythmias, ECG changes and frank skeletal muscle may be signs of it. With hyperkalemia, if toxicity is presented, potassium should be stopped immediately. By ECG monitoring dextrose and insulin, in amount of 3 g dextrose for every 1 unit of insulin needs to be induce. 50 to 100 mEq of sodium bicarbonate and intravenously% of calcium gluconate may be useful only if acidosis occurs. In truly severe cases giving dialysis or potassium-binding resins is the must.


It is diagnosed that potassium-containing salt substitute caused a 74 years old woman a cardiopulmonary arrest, secondary to a strong case of hyperkalemia due to a 5 months of chronic intermittent hemodialysis. And with her medical history (hypertension, nephrolithiasis, chronic obstructive pulmonary and renal vascular disease) that was a most likely cause.

Gastrointestinal Side Effects

Gastrointestinal (GI) side effects may happen if potassium chloride is induced orally. Side effects are diarrhea (25%), nausea (10% to 30%), dyspepsia (5 % to 20%), GI ulceration and abdominal pain (20%), also gastric obstruction associated with GI usage.

There is also a great risk for GI bleeding, a 30% lesser due to a use of microencapsulated KCl. Solid KCI may do GI mucosa erosive damage, but only if it is induced with too much anticholinergic agent. Also wax-matrix KCl may cause small bowel ulceration.

The pathogenesis of potassium may be direct mucosal injury. Therefore a bad taste or aftertaste is a usual complaint of patients. Liquid KCl is induced to patients who has arterial enlargement or esophageal stenosis.

Nervous System Side Effects

There was just one case of paraplegia due to epidural injection of 15 mL of 15% KCl and bupivacaine. And for that patient has got a permanent neurologic damage and it believed that it has happened because of the high extra cellular concentration of potassium injected to patient.


Hypersensitivity side effects only responded with a contact dermatitis, which included just a skin rash.

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