Adults usually try to understand their children's behavior by analyzing it. Thus, once children misbehave, adults perceive this as attracting attention or poor upbringing. However, there are many other factors which can lead to misbehavior of children. Regardless of the cause, which may even encompass ADHD, generalized anxiety disorder, phobias, OCD or some other disorders of this type, there are certain behavior modification techniques which can help adults help their children.

Behavior Modification Techniques
Some of the most practiced techniques of this type are positive and negative reinforcement. Both of these techniques are designed to modify the way a child behaves. Thereby, if a child is behaving optimally, he/she is rewarded in order to be motivated for future reference, this being the positive reinforcement technique. However, if the child is misbehaving, he/she should be punished in a way, knowing that such behavior is unacceptable. This is called negative reinforcement and involves various restrictions like not allowing the child to watch TV or use the computer, all because of his/her misbehavior or misconduct.
Alternatively, some parents use the elimination technique in order to punish their child. Here, misbehavior is met by total deprivation of parental attention. Additionally, there are many other techniques which can effectively make your child a better individual, helping him/her know right from wrong.
Treating ADHD with Behavior Modification Techniques
Since children with ADHD have problems with their anxiety levels, they are usually hyperactive or lacking attention. If your child is having the same problem, make sure you explain what it is expected of him/her, giving a daily routine which is to be strictly followed. TV time, playing time, bathing time and many other activities should be limited and well organized. Reward the child for obeying the rules. As for punishments, react as soon as the child misbehaves. Before this happens, make sure you give your best to help your child, playing with him/her and providing support.
Treating Classroom Issues
As far as younger children are concerned, colored cards are good for modifying their behavior. Once the children arrive to class, give them green cards to wear. If they misbehave, change the color to yellow as a first warning. However, if the misbehavior continues, give them the red colored card and contact the parents. Make sure the children know the rules as well. Still, do not forget the positive encouragement, by allowing children who maintained their green card statuses to receive some rewards.
The same can be done with charts. These methods motivate children and trigger positive competition among them. Additionally, proper communication with the child can help since this way one can get more insight into possible problems and act timely, finding solutions. Keep parents updated, monitor the progress of children and never forget to reward or punish children according to their behavior.
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