The secretion of a sebum is performed by thesebaceous gland. This substance keeps the hair and skin moist and it will bethe focus of this text. These glands are located on skin and they create waxyor oily matter that is named sebum and that is needed for the hair and skinlubrication. Cellular debris and fat mixture, which is comprised of cholesterol,squalene, wax esters and triglycerides, are two components of the sebum. Theycan also be found on some areas of skin, unlike soles and palms, but generallythey are present in great quantities on the scalp and the face. Since they are associated with hair follicles, they are usually located inareas of the body with hair. Sebaceous gland, arrector pilimuscle, hair follicle and hair are parts of this structure. There is anothername for the sebaceous gland and it is pilosebaceous unit. There are units onthe chest, upper neck, face and some other regions of the skin. Some hairless areasof the body, like nipples, labia minora, penis, nose and eyelids, also havepilosebaceous units. On these locations, the ducts located on the skin areterminated by the passing of the sebum.
Overactive Sebaceous Gland
Overactive and enlarged sebaceous gland are present during the adolescenceperiod, and this lead to the increased secretion of the sebum due to the androgenproduction, which is a hormone. They are responsible for the enlargement and stimulation of the sebaceous gland. Girls between the 13 and 20 and youngboys have increased androgen production. The problem of overactive sebaceousgland can lead to many problems, but the most common on is acne. This is a mildproblem, but it is not always guilty of producing acne; it can cause much moreserious problems, such as comedones, pimples and acne that can be created onshoulders, chest, neck, back and face. Also, furuncle, seborrheic dermatitis,asteatosis, steatoma, rosacea, seborrhea, acne, white heads maybe experienced as well. These are some of the common problems found inadolescents, but adults can suffer from them as well. This condition can alsocause scaly skin, pus filled lumps, skin redness and itchiness.
Many problems associated with the skin may be formed due to the grime,dirt and oil, which blocks the pores on the skin due to the overactive sebaceousgland. For treatment of this problem, you can use 2.5% benzoyl peroxide due tothe reduction of fatty acids and bacteria. You can also use oral or topicalantibiotics, like tetracycline or clindamycin, with trans-retinoic acidcontaining medications such as retin A or tretinoin. They will reduce therisk of new acne due to the reduced skin cell stickiness. Also, avoidinjections, topical medications, lotions, creams, ointments, spicy food andoily food. Try to drink a proper amount of water, wear light clothes during the summer anduse adequate soap for bathing and this can eliminate problems in the future.
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