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The importance of exercises for those who suffer from sciatic pain

It is well known that physical activity, particularly exercising, has numerous benefits and that it is an essential part of recovery from many health conditions. Besides, since many surgery procedures require from patients who have undergone them to spend some time in bad until they recover, their muscles tend to become weaker.When it comes to sciatica and sciatic nerve pain, everyone who has ever had to deal with this problem knows very well that pain is its most prominent characteristic. And the pain is not at all negligible. In such cases, certain exercises can help by relieving the pain, and they are generally not at all difficult to perform. Muscles that are focused in these exercises are usually a hip flexor, piriformis and stomach muscles, which means that the point is to make them stronger. Exercises for sciatica nerve pain

Hamstring stretching exercises are beneficial for many types of sciatica, because if hamstrings are too tight, the stress that the lower part of the back is exposed to is increased, which can either aggravate the symptoms or cause some condition that results in sciatica. This is why it is important to stretch them and stretching exercises are perfect for that.Back extension is another useful exercise, which is performed while lying on the stomach, preferably on the exercise mat. Hands should be under the shoulder and the upper part of the body should be raised. The person should not move legs or hips, and the look should be directed towards the ceiling.Pelvic stretches are also helpful in relieving this kind of pain and they are performed while lying on the back and with knees bent and feet slightly apart on the floor. The hips should be raised from the floor as much as a person feels comfortable, and the obtained position should be held for a few seconds (not more than ten). Stretching exercises for the muscles that are located in the abdomen and pelvis (psoas) are also done in the lying position. After a person inhales, the knees, which are bent, should be brought near to the chest and this position should also be kept for a few seconds before returning to the initial one. While returning to the initial position, the person should breathe out.It is highly recommended to repeat each of these exercises for ten times, not more. Consulting a physician or physical therapist might also be a good idea.

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