Commonly ignored
Though it is quite acommon occurrence, saltiness sensation inside the mouth is also one of the mostfrequently disregarded ones. Despite the fact that it is mostly fairly harmlessin nature, it can sometimes prove to be quite unpleasant and evenirritating. One of the reasons for which people fail to give any significanceto this occurrence is the fact that they are not able to determine preciselywhat the culprits are, nor with which conditions this is in direct relationwith. One of the facts known, however, is that it has nothing to dowith the nose. Since this condition concerns the person’s mouth only, this isthe place to start when beginning with the remedying procedure. But prior totaking up any treatment, it is essential to inform as much as possible aboutthe possible culprits for the occurrence of this condition. The saltinessitself can be of short duration, starting from a couple of days, but it can alsolast up to a week, and sometimes even months. And this is why it istreated as a fairly uncomfortable and irritating condition to begin with.
Most frequent culpritsand causes
The list of the culpritslooks like this:
Infected salivary glands (saltysaliva) – one of the most frequent culprits is the saliva that reaches theperson’s mouth after being produced by the salivary glands. This can be broughtabout by such conditions as the Sjorgen’s syndrome, bacterial infection,sialadenitis, infected salivary gland etc.Dehydration – once our body becomeswater famished, i.e. extremely dehydrated, there occurs momentarily the productionof saliva salty in taste.Postnasal drainage – is yet another onthe list of most to be blamed culprits for the occurrence of salty taste in one’smouth. Varieties that are known to bring this about are sinus infection,bacterial sinusitis all form of mucus inside the nostrils, which slowly goes downall the way to the mouth inducing salty taste.Tears – are already of salty tasteonce they find their way inside the nasal cavity and then flow down and throughthe throat inducing salty taste.Medications – have the tendency tocause the sensation in question when consumed – chemotherapy drugs andanti-thyroid medicines especially.Health problems – though fairly rare,but this sensation can also be brought about by various neurological disorders.Treatment
In case this troubles you for a longerperiod of time, be sure to consult a doctor as soon as possible. In case the drugs you take coincidewith the occurrence of this sensation, also consult your doctor, for he willthen give you an alternative medicine. Drinking as much water as possible isvital.
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