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What can be the reason for metallic taste in the mouth?

It is not uncommon that people complain about metallic taste in their mouth, and many of them are not even sure if they should consult a general practitioner or a dentist in such cases. Still, this problem should not be ignored since it can definitely be an indicator that something is not right, and the medical term used for it is dysgeusia. Besides metallic, it also refers to acidic taste in the mouth. It is important to visit the doctor because that is the only way to determine the underlying condition or the cause, and to start with the treatment, if necessary.

As far as the causes are concerned, they can be numerous, and poor oral hygiene is one of them.Aside from this, dental problems such as dental carries, gingivitis and similar oral infections, periodontal diseases and tooth abscess are all possible culprits for metallic taste in the mouth. If a person has silver or mercury tooth amalgams, they can also provoke this unpleasant taste when in contact with particular substances.Conditions such as gastritis, heartburn, jaundice and GERD, peptic ulcer, kidney problems, hypercalcemia and cancer might have metallic taste in the mouth as one of the symptoms, and the same goes for chronic alcoholism and various allergies.One of the side effects of a number of medications is this problem, and it is particularly common for antibiotics, medications that are used in cases of diabetes and high blood pressure, antidepressants, and prenatal vitamins.In cases of women, metallic taste in mouth is a typical sign of hormonal fluctuations, particularly when the levels of the hormone estrogen are in question.

How to deal with metallic taste in the mouth?

In order to get rid of this problem, it is important to find out why it occurred in the first place. Very frequently the underlying condition has to be treated and that is enough. Still, there are some things that people can do on their own and regardless of the cause in order to eliminate it. For example, citrus fruits and lemonade stimulate the production of saliva, which helps in eliminating this taste, as well as eating either marinated foods or foods that are prepared with vinegar. Baking soda helps in neutralizing acid, which means that it should be given a chance because it might help with neutralizing this taste as well.

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