Restless leg syndrome refers to the condition marked by the extreme discomfortswithin the legs when one is sitting or when lying. This conditionusually urges the person to get up and move when the discomforts in the legs temporarilydisappears. Restless leg syndrome is observed more frequently in women than in men, andit is likely to appear in the adults with a tendency to become worse as theperson is getting older. This condition influences normal sleep so theperson in question experiences daytime drowsiness due to frequently disrupted sleep.
Symptoms of restless leg syndrome
When one suffers from restless leg syndrome, he/she usually experiences astrange sensation in the legs, but the unpleasant sensationin the arms might also be experienced. This unpleasant sensation is experienced by someone as tingling oras crawling and creeping sensation. Furthermore, some may feel a burning sensationin their legs. This sensation may also be itchy or painful, as well as uncomfortableand tense. However, regardless of the way in which the sensation is described, many people sufferingfrom this condition cannot describe it as it actually is.
What is common for all the cases when restless leg syndrome appears isthat it occurs during prolonged sitting or lying and disappears when the persongets up and move. The symptoms of this condition have a tendency to aggravatein the evening. Myoclonus or periodic limb movements in sleep is a condition closely relatedto the restless leg syndrome. This condition is marked by involuntary twitchingor kicking movements of the legs during the night sleep.
Causes of restless leg syndrome
Even thoughthe exact culprit for this disorder is not detected yet, many professionals thinkthat it occurs due to the dopamineimbalance. It is a brain chemical that has the role to send the messages fromthe brain to regulate the movements of the muscles. Restless leg syndrome is consideredto be an inheritable condition. Furthermore, it tends toaggravate in the pregnancy. The medical conditions to whichrestless leg syndrome is closely related are peripheral neuropathy, irondeficiency and kidney failure.
Treatment for restless leg syndrome
The treatment for restless legsyndrome includes curing the responsible cause for it and taking certainmedications to relieve the symptoms of this condition. The most commonmedicines used for this condition are the drugs prescribed for Parkinson’sdisease, sleep drugs and opioids, as well as medicines for epilepsy and musclerelaxants.
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