Articles claiming that raw milk offers wonderful health benefits have appeared on many websites, and even in more reputable magazines and newspapers. It seems that raw milk is fashionable at the moment. Why? And should you try it too, or shun raw milk?

Everyone understands that the rationale behind pasteurizing milk is killing bacteria that could cause diseases. But just which bacteria float around in some raw milk samples, and what does the pasteurizing purpose save us from? Because I wasn't sure, I asked a farmer, who knows that I blog about fertility and pregnancy. Her answer was short but clear: "Listeria that's dodgy stuff for pregnant women. It can send you into labor early and even kill a fetus. Tell them to stay away from raw milk, even though it does taste better. The better taste is the only benefit you'll get out of raw milk!"
The farmer is right; listeria can be very dangerous for pregnant women or rather, their babies. Most other bacteria that you could encounter when drinking raw milk are not generally deadly. That is, they will make you violently ill for a while, but you'll survive with no permanent damage, unless your immune system is somehow compromised. Kids, pregnant women and older people would fall into that category.
These bacteria are the ones that cause food poisoning variations of e coli, staphylcoccus aureus, salmonella, and campylobacter. Yersinia is a more serious possibility. These bacteria can trigger long-lasting joint pain. And finally, mycobacterium tuberculosis can be spread through raw milk or cheese.
Now, why do people generally drink milk? Cow milk is most well-known for being a wonderful source of calcium. It also contains magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, and zinc, as well as B vitamins (including folic acid) and vitamin C. Then there are the fat-solubale vitamins, A, D, E and K. But... none of these nutrients are lost during the pasteurization process, so anyone drinking good-quality cow milk will reap the benefits.
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