Skin rash is a condition in which the texture, color and appearance of the skin get changed and the condition may be affecting the entire body or it may be localized to certain body parts. Rashes may cause the skin to become itchy, change the color, become blistered, swollen, cracked, dry, warm, bumpy, or painful.
Rashes can be caused by a large number of conditions and there is an equally large number of ways they can be treated. When diagnosing the condition, the doctor must take into account patient’s occupation and the appearance of the rash. There are numerous homeopathic remedies that can be used very successfully to treat the rash and they can also be very beneficial in alleviating the inflammations which may also occur.
Anacardia or is a a remedy that is commonly used for the treatment of rashes caused by numerous different allergens or dermatitis. Symptoms may include fluid-filled blisters. Apis is another potent homeopathic remedy that can be used to treat rashes that are accompanied by swelling and stinging sensations.
The symptoms can sometimes be alleviated by applying a cold compress topically. Belladona is a remedy that is commonly used for the treatment of rashes that provide a person with a throbbing and hot sensation. Sometimes the patient may experience symptoms of fever as well.
Bryonia is a homeopathic remedy that is commonly used for the treatment of patients who experience bumpy sensations, tenderness and irritation. It is not uncommon that a patient prefers to be alone and lying still.
Graphites need to be used for the treatment of rashes associated with eruptions that result in encrusted, sticky fluids. The condition commonly gets aggravated by warmth.
Ledum is a characteristic homeopathic remedy that can be used to treat rash that usually gets accompanied by puffiness and swelling. The condition can quite often get better by applying soothing cold compresses.
Natrum mur is commonly used for the treatment of chronic rashes that usually affect the elbows, knees and the scalp. The condition usually gets worse with excessive exposure to sunlight.
Rhus tox. is a very potent remedy that can be used to treat rashes accompanied by blisters and severe itchy sensations. It is not uncommon for a patient to experience constant restlessness. Another helpful homeopathic remedy is sepia which is used for the conditioned usually worsened by excessive perspiration. Other homeopathic remedies that can be used for successful treatment of skin rashes of various types are sulphur and urtica.
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