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You have probably read all about pregnancy symptoms already, while were trying to conceive. Any pregnancy book or website (including this one!) contains plenty of information about all the symptoms that come with pregnancy, many of which are unpleasant. So what if you have had a positive pregnancy test but you are not experiencing any of these symptoms? Is it OK not to feel sick, vomit, or suffer from extreme fatigue? Should you be worried because you don't have any symptoms?

When it comes to expecting a baby, it is all too easy to get worried when things don't seem to be the same for you as the books are telling you. Because those books and sites that deal with pregnancy symptoms naturally want to cover every symptom around, it can become difficult to imagine that you won't have all those symptoms. Of course, the first thing that any pregnancy resource should tell you is that every woman, and every pregnancy, are different! You can have all the symptoms in the book, some of them (most likely) or none at all. If that last one is you, you just happen to be lucky! There are a few indications that women with no symptoms have higher odds of having a miscarriage.

If you got a pregnancy test very early on, and have no symptoms at all, you might want to confirm that you are in fact pregnant. There is nothing much you can do to "cure" having no symptoms (ha-ha!) so enjoying your symptom-free pregnancy is the only choice you have, it seems to me! To calm the fears of those women without symptoms who are worried about miscarriage, I'll tell you that I miscarried the pregnancy that caused most symptoms for me (think vomiting 20 times a day), and my last, almost completely symptomless pregnancy has resulted in a completely healthy, now very cheeky boy.

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