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Implantation bleeding could easily be called the earliest possible pregnancy symptom. Light spotting a week to twelve days after you ovulated is an extremely reliable indication that this month's egg was indeed fertilized, and is now working hard on implanting itself into the endometrium, the lining of your uterus. Unfortunately only a third of all pregnant women get this early pregnancy symptom, and because not everyone knows when they ovulated, or have regular cycles that make this possible, implantation bleedings are sometimes surrounded by confusion, and even fear.

One of the most frequent questions about implantation bleedings is what color it normally has. Women universally look for certain ways to differentiate the symptoms of an implantation bleeding to those of a menstrual period, an early miscarriage, or even an ovulation bleeding. The color of the light spotting that occurs when a fertilized egg starts nestling itself into your womb does provide some useful insights. First of all, let's discuss what an implantation bleeding should not look like. I will assume that every woman reading this knows what a period is like, though it is not the same for everyone of course. Mostly, menstruation starts with relatively heavy blood flow that increases in volume and then decreased until it stops. Periods can sometimes start with brown or dark red blood, but are mostly clear in color.

Early miscarriages start out with light bleeding, and then increase. Women who start to miscarry usually notice cramping and pain, in a labor-like pattern. The bleeding that signifies a miscarriage also involves passing clots and tissue, something that you will not see with an implantation bleeding. Implantation bleedings can, sometimes, be accompanied by light cramping, but are mainly symptomless. The blood that is expelled from the uterus tends to be old blood, but it can be clear in color as well. Because the amount of blood that is released is so minimal, it is often mixed with cervical mucus. This can result in a pink color.

Dark brown is also a common color for implantation bleedings, and this color means that the blood you see is old, and has dried. The color alone is not enough to be sure that the spotting you are seeing is an implantation bleeding all the other factors are equally important. Observing color, timing, amount, and other symptoms or lack thereof should enable you to make the right conclusion about what kind of bleeding applies to you.

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