Information on Prana
Pranic healing is one of the most interesting forms ofalternative medicinal therapies. The masters of Pranic healing insist that thismethod of alternative medicinal therapy does not have any intentions to replacethe traditional ways of medicine. It has a tendency to complement all thetraditional methods of traditional medicinal therapy. Pranic healing is basedon the principle that the human body can cure or heal itself all on its own, sothis is what makes it so unique. Pranic healing is in existence for numerouscenturies. It has been used ever since the beginnings of the ancientcivilizations of China and India. Over time, Master Choa Kok Sui has revivedthe principles of this therapy and popularized them on a global level. MasterChoa Kok Sui was the founder of the modern version of Pranic healing, andbefore he gained popularity he was actually a chemical engineer by profession.The basics of Prana rely on a belief that there is an invisible force or energyinside each and every human body which is responsible for the overall health ofthe person. Prana is actually this invisible energy contained inside the body.The word is derived from Sanskrit, and it is also referred to as Rua in Hebrew,Chi in Chinese, Ki in Japanse, Mana in Polynesian and Pneuma in Greek. Thethree main sources of Prana are ground, sun and air. Prana is the fourthelement which is achieved once a regular mediation takes place. The air Pranacomes from the surrounding air and it gets absorbed through the lungs andcertain energy centers in the body which are referred to as chakras. It canalso be absorbed through the pores which are located in the skin. The groundPrana comes from the soles of the feet and it is supposedly very efficient inincreasing the working and thinking capabilities of a person. The water Pranacan be absorbed from the ground, air and sunlight, as well as from ingestedfoods, water and other sorts of beverages.
How Exactly Does Pranic Healing Work?
Pranic energy is supposed to influence reactions in the bodyand by doing so to heal all the different types of ailments in the human body.Prana provides the person with personal energy and enhances the self healingpowers of the entire body. Only certified Pranic healers can provide a personwith such healing.
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