Paraffin wax is commonly added to some products to enforce their adhesiveness. In the food industry, it is the usually added to candies, vegetables and fruit, so that that moisture would be preserved. Different types of waxes are made from oils and their derivatives and some other artificial ingredients. So, some paraffin waxes are edible while the others are not.
The beneficial effect on skin and muscles
This branch of its usage is already well-known and has become more popular through the time. For example, the characteristic of maintaining the moisture is very beneficial for keeping the skin healthy. It can be applied onto the skin when being very hot because it quickly becomes cold, and does not cause any damage to the skin.
As far as the problems of the connective tissues are concerned, the paraffin wax also minimizes the pain and the soreness of the muscles, as well as improving the blood flow and locking up the water in the skin. The last one mentioned characteristic is the reason why paraffin wax is very popular in the cosmetic industry, especially concerning the products for treating the cracked skin on the palms and soles.
Using the paraffin wax to deal with health problems
The treatment with this substance is very beneficial in curing and preventing some conditions, especially if we talk about arthritis. It is very effective since it warms up the joints successively. In general, the treatment consists of, actually, immersing the whole body or just the affected area into the tub which is filled with the hot and liquid wax. But the immersing should be done again right after the first layer of the wax becomes solid.
But, when it comes to arthritis, only the hands and feet are dipped into the paraffin wax and when the wax is solid, the special gloves must be worn, so the best effect could be achieved. Of course, this treatment can be performed on any other part of the body which is affected by arthritis, or which is simply painful, stiff or sore.
The use in cosmetology
Another usage of the wax is very popular, and it is the one for the cosmetic purpose. Especially the facial skin needs a lot of hydration and the treatment with wax could help a lot concerning this matter. The most commonly performed treatment is also the one of putting on the melted wax, but, in the case of the face it can’t be put directly on the skin, but over certain surgical dressing. After the treatment the layer of the wax is peeled off from the skin, which is the case of all the paraffin wax treatments of course.
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