Paraffin Wax Treatment
Treatment with paraffin wax can be beneficial not only for certain medical conditions but also for maintaining the attractive appearance of the skin. This sort of treatment has been used for a long time. Initially it has been applied in people who have been suffering from extremely dry skin. The purpose of the treatment was proper moisturizing of the skin and regaining of its youth. This treatment is also good for certain illness such as arthritis.
The treatment can be performed by professionals usually at spas. However, paraffin wax treatment can be also performed at home with a kit bought in pharmacies or beauty supply shops.
Before application of the wax it needs to be heated and melted. The perfect temperature for that is 125°F. Melting is performed in a vat or a bathtub. What follows is dipping of the specific part of the body into the wax. Then the wax dries. Sometimes, it is possible to repeat the dipping and there will be two layers of the wax. The effects of the wax are better circulation of the treated body part which results in better appearance of the skin. The treatment is finished after approximately half an hour which is the time needed for the wax to harden.
Paraffin wax cannot cause adverse reactions and is, therefore, highly suitable for direct application onto the skin. People who undergo paraffin wax therapy will not experience any allergic reactions, burns or blisters. Its amazing benefits include alleviation of pain and aches, relaxation of sore and tense muscles and proper hydration of the skin.
Paraffin Wax Treatment for Arthritis
For this treatment paraffin wax is mixed with one ounce of mineral oil and a few drops of lavender oil. The wax is melted and hands are first dipped into the wax. They are dipped twice and then put in gloves and special mitten. Gloves and mitten prevent fast loss of heat. The second stage is treatment for feet. The whole procedure repeats. In case that one would like a treatment for the neck and shoulders these parts of the body are after application of the wax covered with a plastic wrap and a fluffy towel. Heating of the desirable parts of the body leads to alleviation of pain.
Paraffin Wax Facial Treatment
During facial treatment the face is initially covered with gauze. The wax is applied onto the face and neck by a brush. It is removed after approximately 20 minutes. The amazing change and better appearance of the skin are evident right after the treatment.
The treatment must be applied with certain precautions especially in people who are sensitive to heat or wax. People who are suffering from dermatitis, burns and skin rashes are not supposed to undergo paraffin wax treatment.
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