The other common name for piles is hemorrhoids, which are various veins in the rectum. The anal canal is the tube that connects the rectumwith the anus. The main role of the anal canal is to release mucus and help inbowel movement. In the anal canal there are many blood vessels. There are many reasonsthat may cause these blood vessels to swell, which is when the hemorrhoids emerge. They canbe felt as small and soft lumps under a touch and they may be external or internal.
The most common symptoms of this condition are smalllumps inside or around the anus. Furthermore, those who suffer from thiscondition may experience bloody stools or bleeding from the anus, which can beseen when wiping after a bowel movement. In many cases, the people with pilesmay feel constant itching in the anal area.
Causes of piles in pregnancy
Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful periods inthe life of women, but in this state every woman must cope with manydiscomforts because of the hormonal changes in her body. When a woman ispregnant, the volume of blood is increased, while the hormone progesterone is alsohigh in level and it relaxes the walls of the blood vessels.
Furthermore, the baby in the womb makes anadditional pressure on the blood vessels below the uterus. Therefore, the veinsbecome stretched and swollen. Another reason that may also responsible for theoutbreak of hemorrhoids in pregnancy is constipation. Moreover, every fifth woman gets the piles the dayafter the childbirth because of the enormous pressure when pushing out thebaby. Piles in pregnancy are very common and it is notconsidered to be a serious condition. However, when a pregnant woman notices anybleeding from the genital area, it is important to go and visit a doctor.
Prevention of piles in pregnancy
Although the hemorrhoids are very common inpregnancy, there are several things that a pregnant woman can do in order toavoid this condition during this period. First of all, it is very important to avoidconstipation. Therefore, a pregnant woman should pay attention to her diet. A pregnantwoman should eat vegetables, fresh fruits and foods rich in fiber, as well asbrown rice, pasta and whole wheat bread. Furthermore, it is important to avoid dehydration, which is why it is recommended to drink as much water as possible. Regular exercises, even short walk every day is alsohighly recommended.
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