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As a rule of thumb, finger pain should never beunderestimated. There are many different things that can cause pain in thefingers. Sometimes a finger could be jammed, like if it is hit directly by aball while playing sports or it is slammed in a cabinet or maybe a car door. In some instances, the bone of the finger could bebroken, fractured of sprained. It is also possible to bruise parts of thefingers. Like the fingernails. Sometimes fingernails can even fall off if theyare injured more seriously. There are also chronic bone conditions likearthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome that can cause pain and discomfort in thefingers. Serious infections and bone tumors are alsopossible. The best thing to do in any case of finger pain is to see a doctorthat will properly diagnose the source of the pain. Carpal tunnel is a condition in which the tendonsand ligaments of the fingers and hands become swollen. Sometimes it can resultfrom a pinched nerve and the symptoms including burning, and tinglingsensations in the fingers. There are three bones that form the finger and anyof them can be broken. A person will know that a bone has been broken when thefinger swells and there are extreme levels of pain. If it is not treatedimmediately, a person might notice that the finger looks crooked, so they mustgo to a doctor that will put it in a cast and allow the bone to heal properly. Another chronic condition like carpal tunnel isarthritis, which occurs in any bone of the body and prominently occurs in thefingers. This condition can develop with age or it may even be hereditary. Thefingers become stiff and swollen in cases of arthritis. If a person injuries their nail then it could bedislodged and swollen. It is probably best to have a dislodged nail removedprofessionally, since it will probably be less painful that way. If it is notremoved, it will turn black and fall of itself, which could be more painful andwill have a biggest chance of being infected. Fungal, bacterial or viral infections of thefingers are also possible. The nails, blood, bones of tendons could all beaffected by these conditions. If a person experiences burning or numbness in thefingers, it is possible that a spinal cord injury has occurred, as well. The best thing to do in case of any injury to thefingers is to visit the doctor, who will either provide the appropriatemedication to take care of the ailment and its symptoms or recommend surgeriesand similar treatments in cases that the bones of the finger are broken. This will be determined by taking an x-ray of thefingers.

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