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Tomatoes inhuman nutrition

Almost everyperson will say that they like tomatoes. This is not hard to explain, sincetomato has such an alluring flavor and, some would say, structure and color. Itis among vegetables (or, shall we say, fruits) that should have a special placein nutrition of people. Owing to its unique contribution, it contains anabundance of healthy nutrients. Tomato succeeds across levels – from adelicious food to a precious source of vitamins to being a remedy for someailments.

As we havementioned, tomato can be also regarded as a fruit, apart from being classifiedas a veggie. Fully ripe tomatoes can be consumed as independent snacks as wellas fantastic decorations to various dishes. Tomato is available in the freshform, as well as in a can or cooked and kept in bottles for the winter. You canenjoy its splendor virtually across the entire year. What is more, one studythat has been conducted demonstrated that having tomatoes on a regular basisdecreases one’s chances of getting cancer.

Benefits ofconsuming tomatoes

As we havementioned, tomato can be very effective in warding off cancerous states in thehuman body. The kinds of cancer that seem to be the most repelled by ingestionof tomatoes are the cancer of cervix, kidney, lungs, pancreas and skin. The substancein tomato that we have to thank for these beneficial effects is calledlycopene. It is a red antioxidant carotenoid pigment found intomatoes and in many other different berries and red fruits. Someother veggies may lose some or many of their precious nutrients while beingcooked, but there are indications that tomato actually becomes healthier withcooking.

One of thefacts related to tomatoes that could be interesting for people who suffer fromhigh levels of cholesterol in blood as well as from high blood pressure will bepleased to hear that tomato is among the foodstuffs that contain insignificantamounts of saturated fats, sodium and cholesterol. As we have previouslyindicated, tomato has plenty of healthy nutrients. Its reserves of vitamins Cand A are worth noting, and there are also magnesium and potassium.

Remember thefact that tomatoes contain healthy dietary fiber which places it among thefoods that work on cleaning your blood of cholesterol and other toxins. Since ithas a very low calorie count it is among foodstuffs suitable for people who aretrying to drop their excessive pounds. The substance known as riboflavin isknown for its ability to decrease the symptoms of migraines, and rest assuredthat consuming tomatoes will bring you one step closer to relieving symptoms ofeye problems, irregular bowel evacuation and morning nausea.

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