Nurofen comes in the forms of tablets, caplets, liquidcapsules, meltlets, express caplets, tablets and liquid capsules, and in formsused for migraine pain, tension headaches and back pain (SR capsules). All ofthese forms contain ibuprofen as an active ingredient a non-steroidanti-inflammatory medication (NSAID). Ibuprofen is efficient in relieving mild to moderate pain,like nerve, muscular or rheumatic pain, headaches, migraine, toothache ormenstrual pain. The medication also works well for fever and inflammation, andis used is flu and cold symptoms.
Some forms of Nurofen are starting to work faster than usualtablets or capsules, like tablets for migraine or tension headache, expresstablets or liquid capsules and some are designed to last longer (back painnurofen SR). Nurofen meltlets are melted in the mouth, without water.
Side effects of Nurofen
Common side effects of Nurofen may include nausea, indigestion, abdominalpain, skin rash or headache. Diarrhea orconstipation, vomiting and gases are rarely reported.
Nurofen is sometimes connected to severe allergic reactions abdominal bleeding, fluidretention and swelling, noise in the ears, blurred vision, vertigo, hypertension,kidney, liver and blood problems or heart failure.
Large doses of Nurofen or long therapy with this medication may result in ulcersor internal bleeding.
Interference with other drugs
Ibuprofen should not be combined with Aspirin or any other NSAID (naproxen,diclofenac, celecoxib or etoricoxib) for it increases the risk of stomach andintestinal problems.
Prednisolone combined with Nurofen might lead to ulceration or intestinalbleeding. Anti blood clotting (blood thinners) and antiplatelet medicine,antidepressants and venlafaxine used with Nurofen increase the risk ofbleeding, too.
Use of Nurofen and ACE inhibitors, Cyclosporine, diuretics and tacrolimus(used after organ transplantations) increase the possible risk to your kidneys.
When used with digoxin, lithium or metotrexate, Nurofen is known to increaseside effects of these medications.
Taking Nurofen with medications for high blood pressure (beta-blockers, ACEinhibitors or amlodipine) is lowering their efficacy.
Nurofen should not be used 8 to 12 days after the use of mifepristone.
Alcohol should be avoided to use with this medication because it may increasethe side effects, especially the bleeding.
Your doctors or pharmacist should be informed about every medication or herbalremedy you have been using. Do not use more medication than the dose yourdoctor has prescribed. Be cautious with Nurofen if you have kidney or liverdisease. If you experience an allergic reaction to this drug, seek for medicalhelp immediately.
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