The active ingredient of the lomont is a tricyclic antidepressant (TCA) lofepramine.
In our brain many chemicals acts as messengers between nerve cells - these are called neurotransmitters. Serotonin and noradrenaline are some of them and they affect our mood. The theory says that amount of serotonin and noradrenaline released in our brain is decreased in depression. The medicine, lofepramine, prevents absorbance of these neurotransmitters into nerves, providing their longer effect – thus relieving depression.
Lofepramine needs some time to fully express the benefits; it could be 2 to 4 weeks before the medicine shows some improvement in the illness. You should consult a doctor if depression worsens or you’re having some distressing thoughts.
Possible side effects are hypotension, dizziness, drowsiness, headache, agitation, confusion, delusions, blurred vision, dry mouth, constipation, nausea, urine retention, sweating… The medication could induce tremor or muscle twitching, rash, ringing and noise in your ears and problems with the number of blood cells. Lofepramine could also cause tachycardia (heartbeat that are faster than normal), fits, sexual problems and jaundice.
It is important to inform your doctor of all the medications you have been using, prescribed, without the prescription or herbal medicine, because of the possible interactions with lofepramine.
MAO (monoamine oxidase) inhibitors – phenelzine, tranylcypromine, isocarboxazid or moclobemide should not be combined with lofepramine. When using MAO inhibitors there should be a pause of at least two weeks before starting to use lofepramine. And vice versa, when using lofepramine, take two week pause, and then start with MAO inhibitors.
Using lofepramine with the medications as lithium, rasagiline, selegiline, sibutramine, linezolid and other antidepressants, may result in increasing risk of “serotonin syndrome” which express as agitation, tremor, increased heart rate and diarrhea.
Combined with lofepramine, sedating antihistamines, benzodiazepines, sleeping tablets and strong painkillers could increase risk of drowsiness.
Lofepramine, taken with anticholinergics for Parkinson’s disease or urinary incontinence,antihistamines, antispasmodics, antipsychotics, antyarrythmics, muscle relaxant and antisickness medicine, increase the side effects of dry mouth, constipation, urine retention and blurred vision.
Increased risk for the heart problems may occur if lofepramine is used with atomoxetine, dolasetron, antiarrythmics, antihistamines, antimalarials, antypsichotics, some antibiotics (quinolone and macrolide) and pentamidine.
The medication should not be used with terfenadine or amiodarone. If used with tramadol lofepramine may increase risk of seizures. With warfarin, lofepramine may alter its effect, so blood clotting time should be monitored by your doctor.
Lofepramine may combat the effect of lowering the blood pressure by clonidine and guanethidine. Adrenaline, noradrenaline and epinephrine should not be used in people using lofepramine, because of the noticeable increase in blood pressure and heart rate.
The herbal remedy st John’s wort should not be taken with this medication.
Calcium channel blockers, cimetidine, Methylphenidate, contraceptives containing estrogen, ritonavir and SSRI antidepressants increase the blood levels of lofepramine and therefore increase the possibility of its side effects.
Barbiturates and rifampicin decrease the levels of medicine in the blood and make the drug less efficient.
It is possible to feel dizzy when combining diuretics with lofepramine, because of the increased risk of hypotension, and you should inform your doctor about it.
Glyceryl trinitrate and other medicines designed to be used under the tongue may become less effective when using lofepramine, because of the dry mouth, so you should take these sublingual tablets with some water.
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