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When it comes to fertility relatedissues, no matter how unimportant and minute they may seem, they arenever desired and welcome. This is even more concerning if we have in mind that in the last decades, the infertility rates and problems relateddirected to them have been slowly but gradually taking more rapidpace. All this translated into numbers reveals that as much as 25% ofcouples tend to experience at one point in their lives quiteserious difficulties with conception. Such staggering data is not tobe taken lightly at all, and further steps should be made as to raisethe awareness of the public in order for more beneficial solutions tobe put forth and this extremely serious issue addressed in the mostproper of manners and due time.


Given the fact that infertility is notsomething that tends to arise on its own, in order to avoid it,special attention should be paid to the following potential culprits:

Ovulatory failure, together with the polycystic ovary syndrome – 20% of casesTubal damage – 15% of casesEndometriosis – 5% of casesSpecific male problems (e.g. low sperm count) – 26% of casesCauses unknown – 34% of cases

Yet another direct implication of thisis that the number of couples who opt for fairly pricey treatmenttherapies and assistance in conception is constantly on the rise aswell. Another fact, which is also quite concerning and discouraging,is that the greatest number of infertility cases have causes unknown.Faced with these, science is completely helpless and is not able toprovide any solution or cure. But, this does not mean, of course,that this is the end, for it is here that the natural ways andremedies offer much more satisfactory end results and long-termsolutions. The secret could be that those approaches that are holistic innature actually address first the factors that affect the lifestyleof the couple on regular basis, as well as emotional life and anypotential nutritional deficiencies.

A natural helping hand

In case of infertility, couplescan choose from quite an extensive range of all-natural treatmenttechniques and methods. These, combined with patience and diligence,will fulfill the couple's most intimate desire and biggest wish –to conceive a child. Regarded as the most important are the following:

Nutrition – as it is already known, a diet that abounds in nutritious food varieties is the one that promotes a strong and healthy immune system, most healthy body weight and vitality essential for pregnancy.Herbal medicine – is known to possess immense potential when it comes to 'remedying' infertility by way of different herbs and plant extracts.

In addition, quite helpful andeffective can also prove to be meditation, seeking advice from theChinese traditional medicine, homeopathy, hydrotherapy, Reiki,Pilates etc.

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