Do it yourself
Although it may sound as being more time consuming and a more complicated thing to do, in the end the best thing you can do for your skin and its health is to create your own personal and natural skin cream. As many surveys have already proven, even though loads of money are given away on products that guarantee to beautify, among others on skin creams, these products are nevertheless known to actually provide little result and effect. Those skin care creams that are readily available in many stores often burn the skin due to their contents, i.e. abrasive chemicals added up to the rest of the active ingredients. Another thing they burn as well is holes in people’s wallets, since their price is quite often too high. No matter how unbelievable it may be, as a direct consequence of these beauty fads, the many people end up with a skin that is in much worse condition than it used to be prior to employing a particular skin cream. Fortunately for those people and many more, today there exist many healthier and effective alternatives. One of the best ways to avoid damaging your skin to an even greater extent is by making an all natural homemade cream that would perfectly fit your skin, and not only that, but make it firmer, younger and incredibly healthy.
Do it yourself skin cream
Recipe No. 1 – in order to make this extremely beneficial and effective cream, you will need to make a mixture of lemon, egg white and olive juice. This type of homemade cream is most effective for lightening those dark spots on the person’s skin. Once the mixture is made, you need to apply it on your face and let it be for about 10 minutes, washing it away with lukewarm water afterwards. This mixture has so much potential, that you will surely see some changes just moments after you have cleared your face away.Recipe No. 2 – for this specific cream you have to mix an egg white and some lemon drops, then add up coconut oil, honey and vitamin E. Once you have mixed it well, spread it on your face and the neck by means of, for example, cotton balls or some similar “tool”. The cream in question is extremely good for making your skin younger, and especially tighter.Recipe No. 3 – if you seek to bring back that youngish glow to your skin, then you should apply the mixture of almond oil, powdered clay, beeswax and sesame oil. The mixture should be left on the person’s face for no longer than 20 minutes, and then it should be washed up with warm water. You will immediately feel your skin becoming softer, lighter and also smoother.
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