Depression is a specific state of mind, when a person experiencessadness, emptiness, hopelessness and some other negative emotions and feelings.All these seriously affect the feeling, behavior and thoughts of depressiveperson, who can show no interest for anything or anyone.
For some patients psychotherapy or counseling might be goodoption, but if it doesn’t work, you can always opt for prescribed medications. Counselingcould be very useful, helping you to identify the causes of depression.
Change What You Eat
Better nutrition can at least ease your depression. Sometimes,too much carbohydrates is also blamed for this condition. Avoid processed foodand too much sugar, for they are addictive and not helpful at all. Sugar canprovoke insulin resistance and influence the level of your blood sugar,resulting in increase of stress hormones and sometimes worsening differentmental problems, including depression.
Omega 3 fatty acids, found in the fish, such as salmon andtuna, and also in nut oils can help you deal with depression. Deficiencyin these fatty acids can be responsible for dry skin, circulation problems, tiredness,heart problems, memory difficulties, mood swings and even depression. There arealso some recent studies confirming the link between depression and bipolardisorder with lack of omega 3 fatty acids. Instead of omega 3 rich food, youcan use omega 3 fatty acids supplements.
Vitamin B complex is very useful for people suffering fromdepression. Vitamins such as B1, B5, B6 and B12 are all proven to havebeneficial properties.
Helpful Herbs
St. John’s Wort is one of the herbs used by Europeans as theefficient treatment for depression. In Germany, just 2% of the population usedmedications to treat sleeping problems, depression and anxiety, because all otheruse this powerful herbal remedy for that purpose. Be careful if you decide touse this remedy, because it shouldn’t be used with medications and consult yourdoctor before you decide to start with herbal treatment.
Hypericum perforatum extract is also widely used and someconsider it even better than any other anti-depressant drug.
Physical Activity
Exercise is beneficial for both your physical and mentalhealth. It can efficiently control your weight, positively affect yourself-esteem, but it can also provoke your brain to produce endorphins (happyhormones). Some studies found that people suffering from mild form ofdepression might benefit from physical activity in the same way as using anti-depressantmedications. Most doctors treating depressive patients advise them both to exerciseand use drugs to control and cure their depression.
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