They arise due to the lack of estrogen, and are set off by the products such as spicy food, acidic food, like pickles or citrus, caffeine, white sugar, greasy food, stress, extremely hot spaces or weather and stressful, emotionally charged situations.
Hot flashes are characterized by heat waves which include increased sweating, flushing and trouble breathing. They usually last for a couple of minutes.
Although the first reaction to hot flashes would be to succumb to medications, treating them with natural and herbal alternatives is in fact considered more effective.
One may feel more in control of hot flashes if he takes up exercising. Exercise is thought to influence the hot flashes directly, causing their rate to drop significantly by exercising only three times a week. Also, when a hot flash occurs, it is best to apply breathing exercises.
Aside from these, other methods of dealing with hot flashes are in the form of proper diet and plant-based medications. What these herbal alternatives can do is reduce body heat and enhance the amount of oxygen in the liver. Any of the following should be more than beneficial.
One of the most helpful herbs is dong quai. It modifies emotional stress and balances blood vessels.
Chaste berry minimizes hot flashes, as it deals with hormones, and lowers estrogen levels.
Black cohosh was known to relieve menstrual cramps, but has found its true use in overcoming hot flashes and other issues such as depression and vaginal atrophy.
Motherwort deals with the intensity, duration and frequency of hot flashes and it does it quite successfully. Hot flashes which occur at night are called night sweats and should these be the issue, motherwort is undoubtedly the best option.
Apart from herbs, another type of remedies recommended for hot flashes are homeopathic remedies. Homeopathic remedies are based on the idea that whatever substance causes symptoms of sickness in healthy people, will have a curative effect on sick people. These remedies have very specific emphases as to what kind of symptoms they will respond to.
Lacheis is a homeopathic medicine recommended for those whose flashes occur all the way from the top of their head and somewhere around bedtime, either when going to bed or waking up.
Valeriana handles flashes which cause redness, increased sweating and insomnia.
Pulsatilla is associated with flashes which happen less outdoors, but are frequently followed by chills and emotional tumult.
These are just some of the options which are able to take care of this unpleasant condition, as there are numerous other kinds of herbs for basically anyone's individual case.
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