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Given the fact that being on a watch 24/7 is fairly impossible, when children are in question, there are many things we cannot influence or control. One of these things is hives. This condition is characterized by the unexpected appearance of skin rash and swellings that cause a child to scratch those itchy spots incessantly. Since many parents are not in favor of employing medicines and drugs when their children are still little, effective solutions can be found in numerous natural remedies andmedicines.

Howhives come about?

In order for us to be able to find an appropriate cure for this condition, first and foremost, itis crucial to know as much as one can about the most common culprits, which initiate this unpleasant condition. Unfortunately, the nature of it makes it extremely difficult to pin point only one cause, i.e. almost anything can initiate the condition in question. However, what can be said with a lot of certainty is that probably the first on the lists of culprits is food such as wheat, soy, nuts, milk, peanuts, eggs etc. As far as some other most common culprits are concerned we can blame insects (by means of a bite), stress, excessive temperatures (both plus and minus) infections and allergic reactions resulting from viruses to name but a few.

Mostcommon manifestations

Aswith any kind of a rash or allergic reaction, once it starts spreading, the patches red or pink in color start to appear. These further initiate intensive itchiness, grouping appearance of the rash (mostly disappear by themselves after a couple of hours have passed, but sometimes occur again soon). Other manifestations also include throat pains (i.e. soar throat), intensive coughing and even runny nose.


Nowthat we have been acquainted with this condition and its follow up effects properly, we can start fighting it. Though some people prefer prescription or over-the-counter medicines (e.g. anti-histamines to decrease body’s susceptibility to allergies and allergic reactions) there are a lot of those who prefer natural remedies and treatment techniques much more. Whenhaving at disposal medicines and remedies natural in origin the most commonly employed and opted for are these in combination with any of the medications belonging to the so called potent drugs category. Among the most frequently used and the most effective ones are the following – alfalfa (wards off toxins from the body) aloe vera (most effective for the treatment of welts), chamomile (naturally rich in anti-histamine characteristics) nettle (especially juice extracted from it used to boost the entire process of healing) and cayenne (most appropriate and result yielding for the treatment of those affected and infected areas of the body).

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