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Ear infections among dogs are fairly common because of parasites, dampness, and general fragments getting stuck in there due to the shape of their ear canal which looks like an L. Most of the time you can detect an ear infection by the smell it gives off and by seeing your dog scratch more often than usual. It is imperative that you go to the vets if you suspect an ear infection because the longer you leave it the deeper the infection will travel. If it is left without any treatment then the damage may become irreversible.

What are the Most Common Causes of Ear Infections in Dogs

If you as a dog owner can make yourself aware of the causes then you may very well be able to prevent them from happening in the first place. One of the main causes is bacteria and/or yeast from the skin of the dog that makes its path up to and into the ear. It will usually only enter an ear that has become weak through being wet and not properly dried out. Also a weak ear can happen from allergies and/or injuries. The second most popular cause of ear infections in dogs are allergies such as food allergies and even pollen. If your dog has suffered with mites then this could be the cause of an infection in the outer side of the ear. Although this usually affects cats and not dogs.

Fox Tails are Critters

Fox tail grass is a big culprit, you can recognize it because it looks as the name calls it. It is spiky and around an inch to two inches long. It manages to grab onto the longer coated dogs and hold on and eventually work its way in. If you do spot a fox tail inside the ear canal its best not to try to retrieve it because of the arrow head on it. Go to see your vet straight away who will use the best course of action for the removal of the fox tail. Some ear infections are caused from the dog having a hormone imbalance such as hypothyroidism.

The Most Common Symptoms of Infections in a Dog's Ear

They will usually scratch incessantly and they may shake their head over and over. Don’t immediately put this down to fleas. In some cases their ear might be swollen or they may have a buildup of wax, more so than usually. Another sign is the whining and crying the dog might do because of the annoyance or the pain. At lastly there is sometimes a horrid smell with ear infections in dogs.

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