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Ear Infections –Types and Symptoms

Otitis or earinfection may affect any part of the ear. Depending on the infected part, thereare infections of the external, internal and of the middle ear.

External otitis(also known as otitis externa or “swimmer’s ear”) appears when the dirt orwater enters the ear canal. Additionally, some cases of external otitis may becaused by bacterial attack to the bones in the ear and the skull. Patientsuffering from otitis externa usually have ruddy and swollen ear canal, withoutprotective lipid layer on the top of the ear canal. Swimmer’s ear usuallycauses itching, discharge and some pain. Patients have reported sensations ofear fullness and in some cases even hearing loss.

Infection of themiddle ear (otitis media) could be caused by bacteria or viruses, similar tothose provoking the cold or sore throat. Most patients are children and theyreport painful sensations in the ear and bursting balloon in the ear. Middleear infection usually causes fever, coughing, congestion, while some patientsvomit because of this problem. Appetite loss, irritability and sleepingtroubles can also be caused by middle ear infection. Discomfort and certainamount of pain are also reported to be consequences of this infection.

Labyrinthitis orotitis interna affect the inner ear. Because of the inflammation of organs forthe hearing and balance, patients experience spinning sensations. This condition maycause nausea and vomiting. Some patients may even have troubles with severecase of whirling nausea provoked by the infection of the inner ear.

Childrenexperiencing ear infection may have fever and headaches. Many of them pulltheir ears and parents might notice their children are nonresponsive to soundsaround them and have problems to sleep. In some cases, there is also some fluiddrainage from one or both affected ears.

Home Treatmentsfor Infected Ear

Swimmer’s earmight respond well to some antibacterial or antifungal medications. Theseusually suppress the growth of bacteria and acidify the ear, improving thesituation and resolving the symptoms. Some anti-inflammatory steroid drops mayalso be helpful to decrease the itching and swelling. Avoid washing the hairand swimming until the condition is cured. If there are some debris in the earcanal, try to remove them. It will increase the contact of the medications andthe infected part of the ear and fasten the recovery process.

Try to increasethe amount of zinc, calcium and vitamin C to improve the recovery from earinfection you are experiencing. Avoid people suffering from cold and skipsmoking and passive smoking as well. Wash your hands regularly and avoidtouching your nose and ears to prevent further infection.

Breastfeeding isthe best way to help your infant through ear infection.

Some peoplerecommend a bottle of warm water or a warm bag of salt pressed to the infectedear. Goldenseal and Echinacea may improve your immunity and help you resolvethe infection faster.

Ginger,peppermint and eucalyptus essential oils can be combined and used for steaminhalation.

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